Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday: Teammate Problems; Weight Loss Motivation; Manage Shopping Money

It's Friday! I made it a whole week with blogging Monday thru Friday! I just finished watching Dolphin Tale for the second time and it's a beautiful story. I was trying really hard not to cry. Now before I forget I just want to wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year! It's the year of the Horse! I am a horse born in 1990 so I'm looking forward to this Chinese New Year. Anyway, onto the advice.

Anonymous Asked:
Everyday during volleyball we have to get partners and do our exercises and warmups. It's day three so we just started. The problem is there are so many groups of best friends and I have no friends on the team. Half of the team is made up of a group of snotty popular girls who I can't stand, they are usually pretty rude to me and I don't know why. The rest of the girls I don't know. I tried to be friends with the nice ones but they seem to shut out anyone who isn't part of their group, that's how they all are. When we are told to partner up I try but there's no chance for me because the best friends automatically pick each other and I'm always left alone to be partnered with a helper because we have an odd team. I try asking to be partners but they always ignore me and I don't know why.
I told my mom and she told me to try and talk to them, but they usually talk about other people I don't know. I tried everything that people have told me and I always try to be kind to them and smile. I don't know what else I can do. I can't quit because two already did and if anyone else does we can't have a team. I really like the playing part but I feel so lonely. I don't know what else to try, help?

Dear Anonymous,
Maybe you could try inviting the team for a get together at your house or some place. Talk to the coach and figure out how the whole team can bond together, get to know each other outside of their own groups and maybe you'll be able to talk to the other girls and have them get to know you as well. I remember growing up, I was never really on any sports teams but my cousin was, and she always had sleepovers with her teammates. It was a way for them to bond and to also get to know each other.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday Beauty: January Makeup Favorites

The year has just started and so much has already happened. In the beginning of the month  I had been so busy with work and it was not fun at all. If you can avoid working retail I suggest doing so because it's no picnic. I love cliche expressions. Anyway, I don't really wear makeup daily but on the days that I did there were some products that I used all the time.
Benefit Fake Up Concealer
I am a huge Benefit Cosmetic fan, I've been using their products since I was 16. I would go to Macy's and stop at the Benefit counter to get my makeup done for school dances and they did an amazing job. There was one girl who always did my makeup for a couple years. She was then relocated to a different Macy's after I graduated of course. She was so sweet and always knew how I wanted to look. Anyway, for awhile I didn't buy makeup from Benefit because it was too expensive since I had to start paying for my own makeup. Growing up problems; I have to pay for myself.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

12th Woman

Since this weekend is Super Bowl Sunday and I live in Seattle and I am a very proud and loud fan of the Seattle Seahawks, I thought today's outfit would be my outfit for this Sunday. Love them or hate them, this team has really proven their worth this year. It is our time!
Be Beautiful For You!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's Love

Yeah, I want to know where you go when you're going
We can take it slow if you don't show that you're slowing
You can try to save me if you're crazy
But I want to know if we go, where we're going to

As a New Year's Resolution, I thought I should start to open my heart more. I've guarded my heart for over a year and a half now but I've kept my mind open for someone I feel is right for me and that I am right for him. It's hard for me put myself out there, to put my heart on the line that is. Especially with a guy who I'm afraid to lose. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Thoughts: A Single Soul Dwelling In Two Bodies

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." ~Aristotle

Last night my best friend texted me asking why he is my best friend because for the past month he hasn't been around a lot. He openly admitted that he is a shitty best friend. I agreed with him but I also assured him that he's my best friend for a reason. That reason being he's the only one I feel comfortable telling things to without stopping myself. I open up to him and it's hard for me not to tell him how I feel when he asks. Or even when he doesn't ask, I tell him because he wants me to and he likes that I am comfortable enough to tell him.