Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday: Long Distance, Acne Scars, Latest Trends

Happy Friday!  I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Week and I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I'd also like to say Happy 21st Birthday to my NBF (New Best Friend) Skylar Powell! He's currently in Scottsdale for a competition and I really wish I was celebrating his birthday with him.
Anyway, onto my advice for the weekend!

Anonymous Asked:
Views on Long Distance Relationships
I live 4 hours from my boyfriend. I hardly ever see him. However, we are trying to make things work out. It's not like he has ever lived close, he has always lived 4 hours away. We just started dating recently. It's practically amazing aside from the distance. I just want to know if you all think distance will kill it?

Dear Anonymous
I don't think distance will kill it. I think you have to learn to work with the distance instead of against it. It's hard but once you get use to it, it won't be as tough.
You see I've experienced long distance relationships first hand and my parents did as well before their marriage. They were in two different time zones and in two different countries, they didn't have the technology we have, you know video chat, texting, emails etc. They only had phone calls and letters and they were able to make it.
Work with what you got and it'll work out.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Guys: Adrian

When high school started for me, a Filipino family moved a couple doors down and with that family they had a son my age. His name is Adrian but I like to call him Pocky even though he hates it. He's one of the few guys who currently still put up with my sh*t. But there's something about him that always made me suspicious.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Boy Meets World: Topanga Inspired

I don't know about you but I love Topanga Lawrence! She's so unique and rarely did she care what others thought about how she looked but somehow she always looked so beautiful because she was beautiful for her and Cory loved her for it. 
Be Beautiful For You!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day or S.A.D

Happy Valentine's Day lovelies! If you're single don't be sad because Joseph Vincent wrote a song just for us single people on Valentine's Day. Watch it, enjoy it and as you listen let me tell you about my Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day Before Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day Eve and whether you're in a relationship or you're single, you are probably preparing for tomorrow; the good or the bad that may come it's not just another day as some may think. Tomorrow is a day to celebrate the one or ones you love.
If you don't have a special someone, don't discourage because someday you will and waiting for them or fighting for them will be worth everything you're going through. Just like in that song Without You by Keith Urban, "How two souls could be miles from one another. But still you and me somehow found each other," just remember there's someone out there waiting or searching for you.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday: Clothing Issues, Best Friend Love, Another Chance

Happy Friday! And Happy 21st Birthday to Connor!
So let's get on with this weekend's advice, shall we?

I'm on the shorter side and it's so hard to find good jeans for my size.
I am 5'2'' and I usually wear a size 2 jean. But I am constantly facing problems when jean shopping. Pants are always to long for me and the petite sections are often wider and the fit is super weird. I end up buying a pair of skinny jeans again and again because it seems like the only thing that is working. I am so tired of this so please help!

There are a couple things you can do and one is to get them hemmed if they're too long. It doesn't cost too much or you can do it yourself or if your mom or grandma know how to then you can ask them.
Another thing is that some stores like Wet Seal and Rue 21 have pants that have short, regular and long pant legs so you can get your pants in your size but in short.
I'm 5'0 so I know it's hard to find jeans in my size.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Guys: Matty

During my sophomore year in high school I sat next to this guy in English who kind of looked like Jug Head from the Betty and Veronica comics. His name was Matt but I prefer to call him Weird Kid. He said something to our teacher and I looked at him and said "Dude you're so weird." Which was kind of hypocritical of me because I am strangely weird if you don't know that already. But if I thought you were weird, you were in deep need of help. And this guy was certainly in need of my help and to this day he still does.
Now at first glance, you would never think that he was a sweet guy. He's kind of rough around the edges and for some reason girls think he's a player but he's not. He's probably one of the few guys who wants to treat his girl right and show her that she means something to him. Unfortunately there are some girls who try to walk all over my amazing friend.
Recently he was cheated on and I don't know about you but no one can cheat on one of my best friends and not think I wouldn't want to slap them. I may be tiny but I am very powerful. I would do just about anything for him and I know he's the same way for me. He would beat up any guy who tries to hurt me. And I will bitch slap any girl who breaks his heart.
Matt is truly one of the best guys in my life and I love having him around. He does so much for me and I am so thankful he's apart of my beautiful life.
Be Beautiful For You.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Revolve Around Me

I have yet to discover if my college friends last a lifetime or if my high school friends last a lifetime, either way I have combined the two. Something I probably shouldn't have done but I have. I mean some people I go to college with, I also went to high school with. In fact a couple of them I went to elementary school with but weren't as close to them in high school so it's like I'm rekindling old friendships.
Recently I hung out with a mixture of the two and apparently I'm just as controlling with both groups of friends. They know my ways pretty well and it seems as if I taught my friends well.  What I mean is that they know how I operate.
According to my new college friends, nothing exist in front of me, behind me or to the side of me. I don't know how they came to be but apparently I live in my own world and you're all just apart of it. So in fact, I'm writing this to no one and the world revolves around me.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hate it or Love it.

February is probably one of my favorite months. It's a short month and there's just something about February that I love. I don't know if it's about Valentine's Day or the fact that a lot of my friends have birthdays this month but it just brings a smile to my face!
Whether you hate Valentines Day or love it, just remember it's not about whether you're in a relationship or not, it's about spending time with the people you love.
Now I know this is a little late but enjoy the month. It's still the start of a new year so make the most of it!

Be Beautiful For You

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday: Broken Promises; Getting Back Together; New Outfit Ideas

Happy Friday Beautiful Girls! I hope you all had a great week and I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Anonymous Asked:
Guys and Promises?
If a guy really loves you will he still break promises? Like simple promises like going to the movies or out for dinner?
And what if continues to say he wants to get engaged, but he doesn't save back any money..
How am I suppose to believe him when he can't do the little things he promises.. I mean how am I suppose to believe him about marriage?

Dear Anonymous,
Before you decide whether you should stay or go, you really need to talk to him about making promises and keeping if you haven't already.
If it's just little things every now and then, it's not big deal but if the the little things happening frequently you really need to sit down and talk about it.
Marriage is a lifetime promise and I understand that you're having doubts about him when he breaking simple promises. But if he's breaking these small promises for the right reasons like work emergency or something understandable then you shouldn't other think it.
With doubts comes communication. If you have concerns you have to let him know.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Guys: David

There's this guy that I adore having in my life. Now Dave is probably the biggest influence I have, this guy may not be my closest friend or even a guy I go to for advice but I love talking to him. He has the best personality ever, even though sometimes he has this depressing side but he is such a loving character.
David is actually my friend's older brother but became my friend throughout the years. I remember one day after school Dave came up to me and said that I would make a good dictator. I'm sure I wrote about this before but Dave really made an impact on me when he said that. Saying that meant that I could be a leader and that I was never a follower. Which is probably why I always made the plans in my group of friends and why I'm still making plans in my new group of friends.
David is a big influence on me, like I said earlier. He's charismatic, easy to talk to and sometimes easy on the eyes. He has this great confidence that he sometimes doesn't realize he even has. Sometime he's too hard on himself but he's a great guy and I wouldn't change him for the world. Dave is apart of my beautiful life.
Be Beautiful For You