It's Friday and it's time for my weekly advice! Don't forget to check in later today for a new song in Song of The Week! Happy Weekend!
Anonymous Asked:
Mr. Right or Mr. Good-Enough?
Is it worth waiting for Mr. Right or would you rather have a bunch of Mr. Good-Enough's?
Dear Anonymous
Sometimes you have to go through a few Mr. Good Enough's before settling with Mr. Right.
I mean Mr. Right in your head could be different from Mr. Right the reality
Hollywood119 Asked:
Classic boy problem.
So I like this guy and he is really popular and I'm you know average. I'm not popular but most people like me and talk to me. and if I have a class with him how to I talk to him. How do you get over being nervous??
Dear Hollywood119
Don't worry about his popularity or your popularity; popularity should be the last thing or not even something to think about when liking someone.
If you're not thinking about it then it becomes easier to talk to him. Think of him as just a regular guy, not a popular guy, just an average guy. So talk to him like you would any other guy. Don't be nervous; he's only human.
KDancer77 Asked:
Is it weird that I'm scared to date in high school and possibly won't until college?
I'm a senior this year and I'm a flirt. but when it comes to the serious stuff I just can't do it. Why? My town is full of guys that will date you for a week then move on. or just date you for sex. I'm not into that kind of thing. I want a person i can actually stick with. Am I crazy for thinking like this?
Dear KDancer77
No you are not crazy for thinking that. Its not weird to not date in high school but I mean who made it a rule that you have to date in high school, you know?
My best friend who is basically my sister didn't have a serious boyfriend till she started college. They are still together and happy; both of them just graduated from college this year and they have an apartment together.
We're all different when it comes to relationships and when we're ready for a relationship or dating we'll know and we won't be scared.
Be Beautiful For You
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