Happy Friday! Check out the new Song of The Week!
Anonymous Asked:
My Boyfriend's mom doesn't like me.
He hasn't formally introduced us, we've just sort have run into each other. And she speaks to my mom and seems to like her.
But my boyfriend said that she doesn't like me but I'm "acceptable"
I don't know how to take this, I haven't done anything wrong, I'm polite, I always want to meet the but my bf "forgets."
And, last year she told my mom that she wanted to invited me to their BBQ but my bf told her i couldn't come because I had stuff to do. He never mentioned any to it to me. :(
Dear Anonymous
Well you can always ask her to lunch sometime just the two of you. Ask your mom for her number and give her a call yourself that way you don't have to go through your boyfriend just in case he "forgets."
Kenzibatt16 Asked
I'm going on a date tonight with my guy friend and I'm not sure how to act or what to say!
Me and my good friend are going out on a date tonight & we have been friends for over a year now. Just recently we have decided that we have feelings for each other rather than just close friends. I'm completely nervous about the date & I'm afraid that i like him more then he likes me and I'm terrified that I'm not going to know what to say to him or how to act.
Dear Kenzibatt16
When you're with someone it just flows especially if you both really like each other. I'm sure he's just as nervous as you but when you two get together I'm positive that you just relax then it won't be as nerve wrecking as you may think.
Anonymous Asked:
Do you think it is okay for a freshman to go out with a senior?
Dear Anonymous
I'm not sure if it's okay but that it's probably not the best idea. A freshman is just starting out in high school and is "inexperience." By that I mean they're in a whole new world and they're trying to get a hang of things. A senior, well, it's their last year of high school so they'll start to close the high school chapter of their lives and try not to get too attached to anything in high school when they know they'll be leaving in a few months.
As for it being okay, the age difference may not seem like a big deal, like a three-four year difference, but withe the high school aspect played in, it is a "big" difference.
That's just my opinion, my rule in high school had been one grade higher or one grade younger. But to each their own.
Be Beautiful For You!
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