First, I want to say Happy Birthday to my good friend Paul and my beautiful cousin Chloe; they both turned 21 today and I am so excited that I finally have someone to drink for the rest of the Holiday season.
Now let's get on with my advice for this week. :) Happy December!
Anonymous Asked:
Did I make a big mistake? Please I need help.
I dated this boy 2 years ago for a while, but he broke up with me. We have been of and on since then. I am still in love with him and want to be with him. We never 'officially' got together but we did stuff and hung out and talked like we were.
A few weeks ago I went to a party with him, and we had sex. It was my first time, but not his. I thought that if I did it with him then he would want to get back together but I was wrong.
We talked the day after and he told me he didn't want a relationship. I love him and want to be with him. I think I made a mistake though, losing my virginity to him.
I can't talk to anyone about this so can you please help me!? Did I make a mistake? What should I do?
Dear Anonymous
You lost your virginity to someone you love but didn't love you back. Yes, it was a mistake but there's really nothing you can do about it now. The only thing you can do is wait for someone who loves you and you love them before you should have sex again.
I'm sorry this had to happen to you. No girl deserves that especially during their first time.
Try your best to get over this guy because he doesn't deserve you. He is not worthy of what you offered him.
Anonymous Asked:
He texts his ex sometimes, should I be worried?
My boyfriend and I have been dating for two weeks and he says he texts his ex sometimes, she still likes him. Should I be worried?? :-/
Dear Anonymous
Well it depends if he's texting her or if she's texting him. What I mean is, does she text him first or does he text her first?
If he's the one doing the texting then yes you should be worried.
But if she's the one doing the texting you shouldn't be too worried but he shouldn't respond back unless he's telling her to not text him. He's in a new relationship, he shouldn't really be talking to his ex-girlfriend during the beginning of a new relationship.
Anonymous Asked:
My boyfriend has cancer.
We've been going out for 2 years and this year, on my birthday, he asks me if we could hang out after school, but since I was busy, I told him we can the next day. He tells me he wouldn't be in school for a couple of weeks because of family problems and he probably won't be in touch. It was hard to be without him, but then after about two weeks be surprises me and comes back.
After school the day he returns, we go to a restaurant and he tells me everything. He has cancer and doesn't have many days left. The whole time he was in touch with my older sister telling her what was going on and everything. I couldn't take it and ran away crying.
I feel horrible for running away, but I don't know what's going to happen after he leaves. I can't live without him and love him a lot. I'm been crying a lot and I don't even want to go to school, thank god it's thanksgiving break.
My parents don't know I have a boyfriend and think I'm acting really weird but i can't tell them what's going on. The only support I have right now is my sister because he doesn't want people to know yet.
Dear Anonymous
As tough as it is for you, it's also tough for him. Personally, I think now is probably the time you should tell your parents you have a boyfriend because right now you'll need more than just your sister to help you get through this.
Take the time you can and just be there with him and for him. When I was in high school, this guy discovered he had cancer and two years, he fought it the first time but it came back and he didn't make it. His girlfriend was with him the entire time he was going through it.
Read his story here.
Be Beautiful For You!
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