Happy Friday! This has been a quick week for me. Looks like this year might be a fast one but I'll do my best to take everything in. Here's my first advice for the year! :D
Anonymous Asked:
What the heck is wrong with me?
He was my first boyfriend, it was a long distance thing, we broke up two years ago, then I found out he cheated on me. I have no feelings for him but when he comes out here and I see him I just freak out! I can barely look at him we don`t talk, nothing! sometimes I feel that if we talked in person it`d help but that thought of talking to him actually scares me! I don`t know what`s wrong!
Dear Anonymous
I sort of understand. When my ex comes back around I freak out as well. I don't even have to see him, I'll hear about it and be like "Oh crap" I always feel like we need to talk when he comes back around but I don't even know what to say exactly.
Have you thought about what you would say? I mean of course you probably have, conversation probably goes through your mind and then when you feel like you can get that chance to talk, you're not prepared for it like you thought you were. Well at least that's probably it but I can't say for certain.
Anonymous Asked:
My college boyfriend of two months has pressured me to have sex. What should I do?
He has mentioned having sex and I'm not ready yet. I feel pressured, but I don't want to hurt his feelings. What should I do?
Dear Anonymous
You have to let him know that you're not ready yet. It's not his feelings you should be worried about because if he really likes you and respects you then he'll back off on the sex until you are ready.
Anonymous Asked:
How can I improve my grades?
I just finished my first semester of college. However, my grades weren't that great. Most of them were average. I was adapting to the college life and I abused my rights to freedom. I spent most of my time attending campus events and when I didn't, the studying was unproductive or I spent my time hanging out with friends, who prevented me from studying. How can I find better methods of studying next semester to get better grades? How can I prevent myself from being distracted?
Dear Anonymous
Will power! Create a schedule for yourself, give yourself time to study and time to go to events. If you can create a study group for your classes so you're not studying alone. Try to remember your priorities and focus on them instead then when you've studied and got things done you can treat yourself to a hang out with friends.
Be Beautiful For You!
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