Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday: Prettier Friends; Roommates in College; Boy Friends

It's Friday night and I am home with nothing to do except to do some homework that I forgot to do and to write up my latest blog post. Woo! Check out some of my advice for this week! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

MeggierP Asked:
My friends are prettier, better, and funnier than me.
My friends are way prettier and everyone likes them better than me. I'm in the 7th grade and haven't had my first kiss and they all have. How do I make myself prettier and better?

Dear MeggierP,
"Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you."
I actually just read that. I was once told that you have to be the change you want to see because the mirror won't change for you. Don't worry about your friends and what they have or haven't done. The only person you need to compare yourself to, is the person you were yesterday. I'm not trying to throw all these quotes at you, it just came out that way. But if you want people to like you, I'm not going to tell you to be yourself, I'm going to tell you to be the person you would like to meet. What makes you like your friends? What is it about them that made you drawn to be their friend? Be better version of that. And also be beautiful for you. Just because you haven't had your first kiss yet, doesn't mean it won't happen.

EAB333 Asked:
Why doesn't my best friend want to room with me in college?
We are going to be seniors in high school and we are possibly going to the same college! Yay! I asked her if she would room with me, and she was like "no way! It would ruin our friendship and I dont want that to happen ever."
What does that mean? I feel really upset because she doesn't want to. Does she not like me? Does she not trust me? Is she saying I am impossible to live with? We are both girls.

Dear EAB333,
It's hard to live with your best friend in college. Sometimes seeing someone daily can get annoying and she doesn't want to risk having you get annoyed with her or the other way around. Plus she probably wants to meet new people and it's probably not you at all.
In college, they always recommend not rooming with your best friend because of problems like those. So don't be upset that she doesn't want to be and don't think it's because she doesn't like you.

Anonymous Asked:
Growing up and even now, I always somehow easily make friends especially with guys who're like brothers to me.
For me, it's always been easy to converse with boys and I manage to have much in common with them than with my group of girl friends. Also, I normally end up hanging out with my "brothers" and feel at ease when I'm with them because I feel less judgement coming from them and more so active listening. However, I often can't shake the feeling that my relationships with them is bad not only for me but also my reputation.
Is what I'm doing wrong? Does this make me seem terrible to girls since I hang out and develop friendships with guys more often and easily? What should I do? Have you or someone you know been in a similar situation?

Dear Anonymous,
I too have found it easier to make friends with guys. So I understand where you're coming from. I have like maybe four other girl friends and like 100 boy friends.
I don't think being friends with a lot of guys is a bad thing. I'm also friends with more girls who are easily friends with guys. I think somehow we find each other through those guys as well. Cause there are guys that are friends with mostly girls.
I think being with guys I've learned to not care what my reputation was because those who really wanted to get to know me, got to know and they happen to be the best people I have in my life. Like they say, those who matter don't care and those who care don't matter.

Be Beautiful For You

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