Happy Friday! I am all done with summer classes! I can't wait for the weekend with friends. But I can wait for the long hard struggle of finding a job now that I'm done with school, for now. I'm actually looking into culinary schools and will probably be start next year.
Let's get down to the advice. :-)
Anonymous Asked:
I have a boyfriend but I think my feelings for him are changing.
I'm not sure what to do. He is leaving for university so I dunno if I should
break up with him so he can find someone else there or if I should hope
everything works out. What do you think?
Dear Anonymous,
What are you more leaning towards? Do you want still be in this
relationship? Don't think about him going off to university. Think about
the relationship. Think about how you feel about him. I think you have
to think about your feelings for him before you decide to break up with
him. Don't let him going a way be a factor though.
Anonymous Asked:
Is it okay to date your best guy friend when his ex is also your best girl friend?
He has been my best guy friend for eight years, ever since he moved to
Australia. A couple of years ago he went out with my best friend for a
year, and they ended it on semi-good terms. She has moved on and is
happy with a new boyfriend and has said she is happy for us as she has no
feelings for him. I really like him and we have almost been more than
friends for the last eight years, and the time we spend together now we
are together is perfect. I'm just not sure if I'm doing the right thing by
my friend, are ex's purely no go zones?
Dear Anonymous,
Not unless you get their blessing then it's okay to date their ex. I
know, it's one of those gray areas in friendships. But if you're happy
with him then don't let their passed relationship get in the way of you
being happy with someone you really like.
Anonymous Asked:
Do I give him another chance?
We've known each other for years now but never actually sat down and
talked. We've talked through a friend. We've played games with each other. One minute he wants me then I don't want him then vice versa. There's more to
the story but I do care and he says he wants to be with me. But looking
at the past do I say yes because I want to be with him or just move on? There's a little more to it.
Dear Anonymous,
Just because you want to be with him, doesn't always mean it's a good
idea. Unless you know that things will be different, that you're not
going to play games with each other and that it's going to be a good
relationship for the both of you then sure give him another chance. But
if you don't think things are going to be different, then you shouldn't
give him another chance.
Before you decide anything, sit down and actually talk.
Be Beautiful For You
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