When I got the news today,
I didn't know what to say,
So I just hung up the phone.
I took a walk to clear my head
And this is where the walking lead
I didn't know what to say,
So I just hung up the phone.
I took a walk to clear my head
And this is where the walking lead
That moment you find out that someone you love or care about passed away, it's the most confusing feeling ever. When I heard my Grandpa had passed away, tears automatically came streaming down my face and I could just feel my heart breaking. As soon as my Dad turned into my grandparent's neighborhood we saw the firetruck and police cars, we parked at the neighbor's house and I ran to my Grandparent's house. He was in the backyard, laying on the deck and I didn't want to to go see him. I wasn't ready to see him so lifeless and I wasn't ready to do it on my own. After I told my Mom that Grandpa had passed away, the first person I wanted to call was Kenny but something was holding me back, and instead I called my cousin Aaron instead.