Another Friday and it's time for my weekly advice; remember three questions and three answers. If you have any other questions or need advice feel free to comment below. :)
Anonymous Wrote:
I need better confidence.
I've always been really shy. This last year of school got me to come out of my shell a lot. But I still need that extra boost, especially with school right around the corner. Any ideas?
Dear Anonymous:
Confidence comes from within you. Having faith in the person you are and not caring too much about what others think or say about you. There's a difference between confident and cocky, remember that. :)
Wear clothes and do you hair in a way that makes you feel beautiful. Be with people that are positive and won't put you or anyone down; people you feel safe to be confident around.
Relax, and I know you'll hear this a lot, but be yourself. Remember those who matter don't care and those who care don't matter.
Don't forget to smile.
Anonymous Wrote:
Why am I gaining so much weigh?!
I'm starting to notice that I'm gaining a bunch of weight even though I've been eating healthy lately. I don't know why and I want it to go away!!!
Dear Anonymous
You're growing, your body is developing and going through changes so you will be gaining weight and that's normal. If you've been exercising as well, you could be building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
If though, you have just been eating healthy and not exercising you're body could be storing fat, so you might need to start exercising if you don't already.
Anonymous Wrote:
Should I send him a dirty picture?
This guy I've been dating wants me to send him pictures of my butt. I've sent him pictures of me in a bikini and he's sent me shirtless pictures. I don't show my face in them and I'm really not worried about getting a bad reputation. I actually really want to send him this picture. But I talked to my sister and she says that it will come back to get me. She's younger than me and I don't think she really understands. What do you guys think?
Dear Anonymous
As someone who is older, 20, I do have to agree with your younger sister. It may not seem like a big deal now but when you get older it will come back to you. I like to think is 'this what I would want my future children to do?' And if they find out about it, they're gonna think hey mom did it why can't I?
My best friend's ex girlfriend is actually came to me and told me that my best friend was threatening to post her sexy pictures all over the internet after they broke up. Even if you didn't show your face, you still know its you.
I personally don't think it's a good idea but if it's something you really want to do then do it. I just don't think he's being respectful towards you by asking you to.
With my advice you can take it or you leave it. Personally I hope you take it into consideration.
Be Beautiful For You
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