Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday: Long Distance, Smart Girls, and Kids?

Another Friday with more advice. So the reason why I do this every Friday is because it's the end of the week, and weekends are for me, my family and friends. So I do give three questions for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and hopefully that will hold you all up until I blog again on Monday. Will I continue to do this? I don't know, I'm just seeing how it goes and by October I'll decide if this is what I want to continue to do because I don't start school till late September and I want to see if this will go well when I'm actually in school and not taking online classes. Anyway, let's get this started shall we?

 XXRemiahXX asked:
What to do we live an hour away from each other?
So me and my crush Anthony have known each other for a long time. Well since kindergarten and I've never really liked him. I just thought of him as my best friend. I thought he was kind of weird because he loved football. I also remember when we were in 3rd grade together every day we had to sit in assigned seats at lunch. And he sat next to me and we would talk about how I didn't know what TGI Fridays was, I know it was a little strange. But after we graduated I moved about a hour away from him. And now I just realized I'm in love with him and I always was. So I was talking to him on Facebook and I told him I liked him and I did since we where in 2nd grade together and he said he did to. But idk what to do we live an hour away from each other
Idk what to do. plzz help

Dear Remiah
Don't let distance stop you from being together. I mean it will be hard but if you both want to try and make it work then the relationship will be amazing on both ends. (part of my answer was taken down for personal reasons)
But anyway, talk to him and figure what you two should do. If you want to just be friends or if you want to be more.

Anonymous asked:
Do some guys who aren't geeky like girls who are smart?
I love school, and I know that sounds weird but I love learning and at my school surprisingly most people do to. But my friends and I are noticing that the ones who do well in school boys don't like and they go after girls who act dumb. My friends and I are the only ones who don't have a boyfriend.So do you think that some boys might like us? Thank and please reply!

Dear Anonymous:
Yes, there are guys who like smart girls but at your age that will be harder to find. Guys tend to get intimidated by smart girls but don't let that stop you from getting an education. If you love school then great. You should focus on school because if you want to go to college they'll be looking at your grades not who you dated. :)

Renae1004 Asked:
Well my boyfriend wants to have a kid already.
Well I'm 17 going to turn18 in 2 more months i been with my boyfriend for 4 years on and off I'm kind ready to but scared what my family will think and wanna wait till I graduate from high school and college and  he's a yr younger than me???

Dear Renae
Don't have a kid until you both can support the child. That way he or she will have a good stable life and you won't worry about getting him or her the things he or she will need and possibly want.
If you're kind of ready, you're not fully ready and until you are fully ready then hold it off until after college. 


Be Beautiful For You!

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