Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday: Forward Progress

Now I know the title has nothing to do with any of the questions but it does have to do with the song of the week. Please check out the song of the week and comment below if you did and/or want to share if anyone in your life had passed away at a young age.
Onto the advice.

Allieloveslife Asked:
Did I eat healthy today? 
Breakfast- an egg.
Lunch- nothing
Snack- Apple and a little bit of white skinless chicken
Dinner . Chicken Salad with half a teaspoon of olive and a teaspoon of red wine vinigear. With 3 whole grain crackers.
Snack : half of an apple.

Dear Allieloveslife
No you didn't eat healthy today. Healthy doesn't mean eating less. Eating healthy means eating a good proportion of food throughout the day. An egg for breakfast is not enough to start your day. Skipping lunch is not a healthy thing to do. You did good with the apple and white skinless chicken but you really need to work on food for the start of your day. There's a reason why breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it's because its the fuel to start your day. Your body runs on calories throughout the day. If you don't have a certain amount your body will store any fat that it can find from the food you eat to help your body function properly. Start with fruit like an apple for your breakfast because it does make you full in the morning. In all honesty, that would have been better for you to have than an egg. Eat healthy, eat smart.
Anonymous Asked:
I am so tired of high school. I want to be in college now!
Last spring break I took a road trip with my family to go visit colleges. And ever since then, my mind has been telling me, "Okay! I'm ready!" But I have 8 months until I graduate from high school :/ How in the WORLD am I supposed to make it till then? Since I've started "finding the real me" and all that jazz, I've realized what an absolute joke high school is. Everyone is so ridiculously immature, and most people are there only because they have to be. I'm ready to move on NOW. And while I know that's unrealistic, I guess I'm just frustrated. I'm tired of conversing with people who could care less about where they go in life. It's depressing. Literally EVERY person in my class wants to go to the same school- Washington State University. And there's nothing bad about that. I'm just so sick of being the only unique person I know. I feel like I go to a factory, where the end result is students (none of which know a single thing about real life) and I'm the only one that realizes this. I've never met anyone like me. And that's why I feel like I should be in college already. So I can meet people with similar goals  but what do I do till then?? 

Dear Anonymous
Until then enjoy high school. I know it may not seem like much but coming from a college student, high school is not the best time of your life, but this is your last year to spend more time with the friends you have made through the years so take it all in, make memories and make the most of the next few months because it will go by fast. (Boo on Cougs! Go Huskies!)

Anonymous Asked:
Can a boy have a female best friend and remain faithful?
My boyfriend has a female "best friend" and I want to know how guys really view their "best friend" and what level they're on.

Dear Anonymous
I can't say all best friends between a boy and a girl are the same. But I know mine between my best friend and if you want to know my side of it when my best friend has a girlfriend then I can tell you but if you want to know about your boyfriend and his best friend then you need to talk her. Boy Advice: Dealing With His Best Girl Friend

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