It's that time of the year, the time for giving, and maybe even some receiving? If you're anything like me, you enjoy giving gifts more than receiving them but you have a hard time figuring out what to get your friends, family, and/or significant other. So I've come up with a few ideas for the women in your life and for the men in your life. All ideas are different prices and for different types of people.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Love is Not Overrated by Patrick Smith
So a few years ago I went to Washington Business Week at Western Washington University; Business Week is a business camp for high school students. While I was there I made some pretty awesome friends and met a lot of people. One of them was a camp counselor sort of person and during Business Week there was a talent show and one counselor, Patrick, wrote and recited this poem entitled Not Overrated; I thought I'd share it with you.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Friday: Abuse vs. Love, Makeup vs. Age, Love vs. Fighting
It's Black Friday! I shopped for two hours this morning and went to sleep the rest of the day. Now I'm ready to party. But first some advice.
Anonymous Asked:
Is it worth it to be in an abusive relationship even if you love them more than your next breath?
I love my man with all my heart but some days are good and some are horrible. We fight and scream and sometimes we get physical. I may have disabilities but I'm not stupid. I think he's met someone. he always comes up with excuses to come home late and he expects me to sit and wait for him. We haven't spent any time together cause he's always busy; from picking at his nails to staying outside for ours doing I don't know what. i hate that he smokes and has a temper. i don't do anything wrong. he meets new people everyday. It's his job. but I don't trust him. He's lied to me for 4 years. What makes me think he's stopped being a lying cheating druggie?
Dear Anonymous
No matter how much you love the person, you have to think about the love you have for yourself. They say the one who loves the least has the most control. Why stay with someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them when there's someone out there who won't hurt you emotionally or physically and will love you the way you would love them.
For me, the second a guy hits me then it's not worth it.
Anonymous Asked:
Is it worth it to be in an abusive relationship even if you love them more than your next breath?
I love my man with all my heart but some days are good and some are horrible. We fight and scream and sometimes we get physical. I may have disabilities but I'm not stupid. I think he's met someone. he always comes up with excuses to come home late and he expects me to sit and wait for him. We haven't spent any time together cause he's always busy; from picking at his nails to staying outside for ours doing I don't know what. i hate that he smokes and has a temper. i don't do anything wrong. he meets new people everyday. It's his job. but I don't trust him. He's lied to me for 4 years. What makes me think he's stopped being a lying cheating druggie?
Dear Anonymous
No matter how much you love the person, you have to think about the love you have for yourself. They say the one who loves the least has the most control. Why stay with someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them when there's someone out there who won't hurt you emotionally or physically and will love you the way you would love them.
For me, the second a guy hits me then it's not worth it.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
My Guys: Blaine

Actually, I broke his heart when I got my first boyfriend. For the longest time I had waited for Blaine to make a move and to ask me out but it never happened so I went out with someone else. He was a good boyfriend but it was hard because Blaine and I were trying to make our friendship work even though he was still heartbroken and there were times when all I did was worry about Blaine because he did tell me that I broke him.
I broke my best friend because I was dating someone else and because his heart was broken so was mine. It took awhile but we got back to our friendship. Due to what happened then, I highly believe that our friendship is strong enough to overcome anything and everything. Our friendship may not always be pretty but it's beautiful to me.
Be Beautiful For You
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Facebook Chat
A lot of us currently have Facebook and with Facebook comes Facebook Chat. We all want to talk to the cute guy at school over Facebook but we are kind of shy to make it happen yet we just keep wishing he would talk to us first, am I right?
Of course I am because I am a girl and I have those wishes/thoughts too.
So here are some things to keep in mind when on Facebook chat.
~Facebook chat is also used for messaging/email so don't freak if the person takes awhile to reply.
~Don't assume they'll be on facebook for long. Some people just quickly look through updates, or update their facebook
~If you don't have their number get it so you can continue the conversation
~Don't force the conversation, let it flow like a river.
~Use the emoticons! They make the conversation entertaining
~As much as a hassle it may be, try to use proper grammar and punctuation
~Don't limit yourself to chatting on Facebook, chat with them in person because that is way better
Be Beautiful For You!
Of course I am because I am a girl and I have those wishes/thoughts too.
So here are some things to keep in mind when on Facebook chat.
~Facebook chat is also used for messaging/email so don't freak if the person takes awhile to reply.
~If you don't have their number get it so you can continue the conversation
~Don't force the conversation, let it flow like a river.
~Use the emoticons! They make the conversation entertaining
~As much as a hassle it may be, try to use proper grammar and punctuation
~Don't limit yourself to chatting on Facebook, chat with them in person because that is way better
Be Beautiful For You!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Power Outage.
As it gets colder in the Northwest, it also starts to rain even more. As much as I love the rain, I don't like when it disrupts my day. However, today was an exception because I had the best hour and a half without lights. Although the first 15 minutes weren't that great because I had no idea what to do. But as you might have guessed, everything is better with the lights off. ;)
There are limited things to do but when you have friends like mine then you have flirty boys, dirty jokes and other things I probably shouldn't mention. But one thing that I enjoyed today was what happened during the power outage.
There are limited things to do but when you have friends like mine then you have flirty boys, dirty jokes and other things I probably shouldn't mention. But one thing that I enjoyed today was what happened during the power outage.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Part of My Life: Thoughts at Dinner
Today I had a last minute dinner with my two close friends Blaine and Austin. We just ate at Wendy's and talked about me because I love telling them about what has been going on in my life since we don't really see each other as often as I'd like. Blaine and Austin work and Blaine also has a new girlfriend who lives a couple hours away so he keeps going back and forth for this girl I haven't even met but I'll go into that in my Blaine blog post later this week.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday: Boyfriend's Mom, Dating Nerves, Okay to Date?
Happy Friday! Check out the new Song of The Week!
Anonymous Asked:
My Boyfriend's mom doesn't like me.
He hasn't formally introduced us, we've just sort have run into each other. And she speaks to my mom and seems to like her.
But my boyfriend said that she doesn't like me but I'm "acceptable"
I don't know how to take this, I haven't done anything wrong, I'm polite, I always want to meet the but my bf "forgets."
And, last year she told my mom that she wanted to invited me to their BBQ but my bf told her i couldn't come because I had stuff to do. He never mentioned any to it to me. :(
Dear Anonymous
Well you can always ask her to lunch sometime just the two of you. Ask your mom for her number and give her a call yourself that way you don't have to go through your boyfriend just in case he "forgets."
Anonymous Asked:
My Boyfriend's mom doesn't like me.
He hasn't formally introduced us, we've just sort have run into each other. And she speaks to my mom and seems to like her.
But my boyfriend said that she doesn't like me but I'm "acceptable"
I don't know how to take this, I haven't done anything wrong, I'm polite, I always want to meet the but my bf "forgets."
And, last year she told my mom that she wanted to invited me to their BBQ but my bf told her i couldn't come because I had stuff to do. He never mentioned any to it to me. :(
Dear Anonymous
Well you can always ask her to lunch sometime just the two of you. Ask your mom for her number and give her a call yourself that way you don't have to go through your boyfriend just in case he "forgets."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
My Guys: Henry
Have you ever had that friend who was kind of a dork? That's Henry. He's a cute dork but dork none the less. He tries to be cool listening to rap and rock but he's a smart boy. He wants to live a good life. You can't tell by looking at him but he's not as innocent as you may think him to be. In fact there are somethings that he has done that I like to pretend he didn't do at all.
Henry and I use to hang out every Sunday and watch NCIS on DVD. While he watched, I made us a tasty treat of brownies or cookies to snack on. He would stay for hours just to watch it with me and we'd fight for the best spot to sit on the couch. We tried to watch something different like Supernatural but he got scared. Which is funny because that show makes me laugh sometimes.
When you spend a lot of time with someone it is true that you do start to develop some feelings for them; Henry and I had some feelings for each other but never went off on them. Is that the right phrase? Oh well. Sometimes through it is better to be friends and keep what you have then to risk losing it. I would never want to lose what Henry and I had because we had some good times together. I feel comfortable with Henry. It doesn't matter what I wear because he's seen me when I looked like crap. When you find a friend you're comfortable with you don't lose them.
Be Beautiful For You
Henry and I use to hang out every Sunday and watch NCIS on DVD. While he watched, I made us a tasty treat of brownies or cookies to snack on. He would stay for hours just to watch it with me and we'd fight for the best spot to sit on the couch. We tried to watch something different like Supernatural but he got scared. Which is funny because that show makes me laugh sometimes.
When you spend a lot of time with someone it is true that you do start to develop some feelings for them; Henry and I had some feelings for each other but never went off on them. Is that the right phrase? Oh well. Sometimes through it is better to be friends and keep what you have then to risk losing it. I would never want to lose what Henry and I had because we had some good times together. I feel comfortable with Henry. It doesn't matter what I wear because he's seen me when I looked like crap. When you find a friend you're comfortable with you don't lose them.
Be Beautiful For You
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Spice It Up
Point Defiance ZooLights |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I'm Falling For You (Bonus Video)
I won't tell you that I'm falling for you but I am falling for you and I'm not sure why. You fascinate me yet I barely know anything about you. I want to learn about you. I want to know more than just your favorite things; I want to know about your life and how you were brought up. I want to know you because you are the one who has brought a twinkle in my eyes for the first time in a long time.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Filipino Pride!
After Manny Pacquiao's victory on Saturday I thought it was only appropriate to show my Filipino Pride.
Be Beautiful For You!
Be Beautiful For You!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Friday: Something More, Boyfriend Flirting with Other Girls, Age Differences?
It's Friday! Happy Veteran's Day! I also hope you made a wish on 11-11-11 at 11:11 :)
I hope you all had a lovely Friday. Time for my advice; enjoy!
KaleighRaeRichmond Asked
Boyfriend? Or Best Friend?
Me and this guy have always been close friends. we were best friends in elementary school and were close through middle school. now we really like each other, but is it worth risking a great friendship?
Dear KaleighRaeRichmond
That really depends on your friendship. If you believe that no matter what you'll still be friends then go for it but you think your friendship can survive a possible break up between the two of you then don't.
One of my close friends dated her best friend, who also happened to be one of my close friends. We all knew that one day they'd started dating. They dated for a few months and then broke up because they wanted different things. It made their friendship a little rocky afterwords but now they're still best friends.
It really depends on how your friendship is.
A few years ago my best friend said he wanted to be more than friends but I didn't feel the same way. Again, our friendship after that was a little rocky but now we're still the best of friends.
If you both agree that you two will still remain best friends if a break up happens if you two were to date then take that risk because it could turn into something that will last a lifetime.
I hope you all had a lovely Friday. Time for my advice; enjoy!
KaleighRaeRichmond Asked
Boyfriend? Or Best Friend?
Me and this guy have always been close friends. we were best friends in elementary school and were close through middle school. now we really like each other, but is it worth risking a great friendship?
Dear KaleighRaeRichmond
That really depends on your friendship. If you believe that no matter what you'll still be friends then go for it but you think your friendship can survive a possible break up between the two of you then don't.
One of my close friends dated her best friend, who also happened to be one of my close friends. We all knew that one day they'd started dating. They dated for a few months and then broke up because they wanted different things. It made their friendship a little rocky afterwords but now they're still best friends.
It really depends on how your friendship is.
A few years ago my best friend said he wanted to be more than friends but I didn't feel the same way. Again, our friendship after that was a little rocky but now we're still the best of friends.
If you both agree that you two will still remain best friends if a break up happens if you two were to date then take that risk because it could turn into something that will last a lifetime.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
My Guys: Paul
I met Paul in the seventh grade and when I met him he wasn't as outspoken as he is now. Actually Paul seemed pretty shy but as the years went by I realized, he's not shy at all. Paul is adorable with shaggy brown hair, piercing eyes, and the sweetest smile. He's that guy that says "That's what she said" at the perfect time and has a few sexist jokes but he makes a great boyfriend. Although I wouldn't know, I just know how he treats his ladies. I say that in the kindest way.
Now Paul and I don't have a normal friendship. We annoy each other like crazy but still care so much about each other. I like to say we fight like an old married couple and we've been together for 30 years. He's a sports guy, he loves baseball and his favorite team is the Yankees. Never dis his Yankees because it will not be pretty.
If you like a guy like Paul then you have to know that he'll want to be in control, not scary control, but he'll want to wear the pants in the relationship because he is a guy's guy. He likes his girls beautiful, smart and funny. He's very full of himself but it's kind of attractive. He's sincerely one of my favorite people to spend my time with. He's beautiful and he makes me smile wide. He's the beauty in my life.
Be Beautiful For You!
Now Paul and I don't have a normal friendship. We annoy each other like crazy but still care so much about each other. I like to say we fight like an old married couple and we've been together for 30 years. He's a sports guy, he loves baseball and his favorite team is the Yankees. Never dis his Yankees because it will not be pretty.
If you like a guy like Paul then you have to know that he'll want to be in control, not scary control, but he'll want to wear the pants in the relationship because he is a guy's guy. He likes his girls beautiful, smart and funny. He's very full of himself but it's kind of attractive. He's sincerely one of my favorite people to spend my time with. He's beautiful and he makes me smile wide. He's the beauty in my life.
Be Beautiful For You!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Lazy School Day
I don't know about you but when I have one class in the morning I feel a little lazy so sweats is the way I go.
Be Beautiful For You!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
You Were My Friend
Have you ever lost touch with a friend? I have, I've lost touch with a lot of my friends after graduating from high school. It's sad but we all go in different directions. Some of my friends went to different colleges and some of my friends moved to different states. It's all part of growing up. But you know true friends can grow separately without growing apart. Or that's what I've been told and from my own experience it is true.
My best friend, Janna, moved away to Utah over a year ago, mostly because of her family. If it was up to her, she'd still live here in Washington. She has a new life in Utah and is still adjusting to everything there but we're still as close as ever. We talk every week even if it's just a quick "I miss you" or whatever. No she's still my friend and hopefully she will never become a "she was my friend" and in all honesty, I'd hate for that to happen and I'm 110% sure that she feels the same way about me.
My best friend, Janna, moved away to Utah over a year ago, mostly because of her family. If it was up to her, she'd still live here in Washington. She has a new life in Utah and is still adjusting to everything there but we're still as close as ever. We talk every week even if it's just a quick "I miss you" or whatever. No she's still my friend and hopefully she will never become a "she was my friend" and in all honesty, I'd hate for that to happen and I'm 110% sure that she feels the same way about me.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Creative Ways to Ask Him
Whether you want to ask him on a date or a school dance there are plenty of creative ways to do ask so here are a few from simple to bold.
So here are a few ways.
So here are a few ways.
- You can get a white t-shirt and put on the front in permanent marker "Will you go to _______ with" and write in washable marker names of other girls on the back and with your name write it also in permanent marker. Have someone give it to him with a note saying please wash. And hopefully the washable names wash out but normally they do; if you want test it before hand. Make sure you get his size if you do.
- Create a puzzle. My friend actually did this by taking a picture of herself with a sign that asked him to the dance. He said yes and they also started dating.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday: Ex's Mistake, Friends with the Ex, Ex Still Loves You
Happy Friday! Let's talk exes.
Anonymous Asked
How can I stop making my current boyfriend suffer for what my ex did to me in the past?
An ex boyfriend cheated on me through our whole 7 month relationship. Now I have major trust issues. All I seem to do now is make my current boyfriend suffer for what my ex did. I just can't seem to trust anymore. I am scared that my boyfriend will get tired of me and just give up on us. HELP!
Dear Anonymous
Don't let your boyfriend pay for your ex's mistake; that isn't fair to him.
I understand why you would though but you really need to start working on those trust issues. You're fearful of something that may or may not happen and what you need is reassurance that it won't happen.
Treat your boyfriend like a new guy because that is what he is in a way. Yes keep your guard up but don't feel like you shouldn't trust him until he's has given you a reason not to trust him.
Anonymous Asked
How can I stop making my current boyfriend suffer for what my ex did to me in the past?
An ex boyfriend cheated on me through our whole 7 month relationship. Now I have major trust issues. All I seem to do now is make my current boyfriend suffer for what my ex did. I just can't seem to trust anymore. I am scared that my boyfriend will get tired of me and just give up on us. HELP!
Dear Anonymous
Don't let your boyfriend pay for your ex's mistake; that isn't fair to him.
I understand why you would though but you really need to start working on those trust issues. You're fearful of something that may or may not happen and what you need is reassurance that it won't happen.
Treat your boyfriend like a new guy because that is what he is in a way. Yes keep your guard up but don't feel like you shouldn't trust him until he's has given you a reason not to trust him.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
My Guys: Austin

I have said this about Connor but Austin is sincerely one of the guys any girl would gladly take home to meet her parents. Austin is very polite and well mannered. He knows how to keep a conversation going and he always has something interesting to talk about.
He had a rough childhood but he's always seen the good in life. He's very independent and has worked since he was 16, not because he had to but because he wanted to; he's self motivated. He's always believed me and the rest of his friends. He's a big part of my beautiful life.
Be Beautiful For You
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Things To Do with Your Best Friend.
I enjoy doing things with my best friend but the usual gets boring fast. Now keep in mind that I'm friends with a lot of guys so maybe this list of things to do with your best friend can go with date ideas with your boyfriend.
The Usual Things:
Be Beautiful For You!
The Usual Things:
- Movies
- Movie Marathon: All day of watching movies, whatever you two choose just watch it all day. Or you can have a day of watching your favorite TV series together.
- Movie Night: Watch a couple movies, bake dessert, or pig out on popcorn
- Movie Theater
- Mini Golf
- Ice Skating or Roller-Skating
- Mall
- People Watch: Pick out some people around the food court and make up a story about them.
- Try on clothes: Pick out different outfits for each other and try them on and take pictures. Worse outfit wins. :D
- Game Night:
- Family board games
- Card games
- Trivia games
Be Beautiful For You!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
October Faves!
October is probably one of my favorites months and not because of Halloween but because it is my birthday month! Haha no though I seriously love October and just because my birthday is in the beginning of the month doesn't make a difference. Although this October has been an emotional month, it is still filled with favorites.
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