Happy Friday! For those of you on summer vacation, I hope you have a great summer. Unlike me who has this weekend and then I'm going back to school on Monday. Summer quarter will not be fun but I'm almost done with my degree so it's all good!
CountryLover027 Asked:
I regret saying it to him.
I thought I could get over him and I was mad at home so I told him I
hated him but now I regret it so much. Now I think I pushed him away,
Dear CountryLover027,
I've said I hate you to the guy I love tons of times when we
fought because I was mad at him and of course I never meant it. There
was this time where he did something that I thought I could never
forgive him so I told him to never talk to me again and I told him I
hated him. The next day I went up to him and I said you know I could
never truly hate you.
You have to let him know how you feel before you really do push him away
for good. I know I don't know the whole story between the two of you
but if you're afraid to lose someone you have to let them know before
it's too late.
Anonymous Asked:
How can I throw a cool party?
The last time I had one was when I was like 13. I'm getting a bouncy
house thing in my backyard just for fun :P I want guys and girls there.
How can I make sure it's really fun? Food/activities/etc. Thanks!
Dear Anonymous
I actually had this awesome game night the other night. We had a taco
bar, s'mores, chips and salsa. We played board games and there was about
20 people, most of them guys because that's 90% of my friends.
We also had some people playing wii, and some people went in another room to watch movies, and others went outside to mingle.
I know the board games probably sound silly or childish but it was fun
and just so you know everyone was between 19-23 at my party and they
still had a great time.
To throw a cool party you just have to know what people, your friends, like.
Anonymous Asked:
How to overcome the opinions of others?
I care too much what other people think. I can't help it and it's
ridiculous! When it cones to dating and stuff, I get too worried about
the opinions of others to enjoy it.
Dear Anonymous
Dr. Seuss said "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who
mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." You have to relax,
if you have something to say or want to talk about then talk about it.
If you're on a date all you should do is filter what you want to say
before blurting something really random. Relax, have some faith in
yourself, and also find someone you're comfortable with as well. Let
what you want to talk about flow.
Be Beautiful For You
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