Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday: Dating a Co-Worker; Boyfriend being the Best Friend; Girl/Guy Code

Happy Friday! I'm next week off because of Finals but I will be back on the 18th!

Anonymous Asked:
Should I date a guy if I work with him?
I am 16 and I work with a guy I think I like. One of my co-workers talked to him about me, and he says he wants to ask me out. Should I say yes? If it doesn't work out, I don't want things to get weird at a job I absolutely love.

Dear Anonymous,
In my opinion, dating a co-worker is never really a good idea. Like you said, things could get weird. Plus work is for work, you don't want to mix it with dating. 

Anonymous Asked:
All I want is HIS happiness. But I am not in love with him, and I know he's in love with me.
Is this bad- Yes or No question please.

Dear Anonymous,
Short answer yes.
Long answer: Yes, it is bad that you're not in love with him and yet you're still with him. Love is choosing the greater good for the other person at the risk of losing them. If he loves you, is in love with you, then he'll be understanding about whatever you need to do. If you're not in love with him you should let him know.

Anonymous Asked:
I agree with the girl code 100% you don't date your best friends crushes. However, there's this guy and he has a huge group of friends that I kinda hang out with. So this guy really likes me but he's not at all the kinda guy I would date. We're pretty good friends and I've told him like I just want to be friends but I like some of his friends. And I don't have any chance with them because you are not supposed to date your friends crushes, Right? So what should I do?

Dear Anonymous,
Crushes don't really count. It's exes that you're not suppose to date. I mean if your friend really liked someone then they should have made a move before someone else did.
You're right not to go for your best friend's crush, cause you shouldn't put other people before your friendship but if it's a friend you're not too close to that's a different story. The fine line in the "code" can get kind of blurry. 

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