Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday: Hanging Out; Possibly Breaking Up; Love Life

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has a good, fun weekend! I know I'll try to have a fun one. I have to wake up early to help out a dear friend of mine for her photo shoot. Anyway, onto my advice.

Anonymous Asked:
How to make your parents let you hangout with your guy friends alone?
Kay like seriously it's pretty crazy crazy our parents don't let us hang out with our guy friends alone cause they think dirty things so it can't be two guys and two girls oh my gosh it's stupid, any advice?

Dear Anonymous,
I never made my parents let me hangout with my guy friends alone. They just let me. As long as the knew the guys, had them over a few times, realized that they were good guys and then they let me be alone with them. And as I got older they trusted my judgment. Basically, you have to ease them into it. When my parents and I moved into a neighborhood full of boys my age, I had them all over so my parents knew who I was going to be hanging out with. Granted my dad did not like it one bit but he got use to it. Like I said, ease them into it.

Anonymous Asked:
Should I break up with my boyfriend?
I started dating this guy like 5 months ago and he seemed really nice and really cared about me, and he still does like he buys me nice things and sends me flowers all the time, but sometimes I feel like he's too possessive or controlling of me. Like he gets mad if I hang out with my friends and don't text him the entire time I'm gone or if I wear a short dress he gets really angry. I really think I love him, and we're supposed to be getting an apartment together in the fall, but I don't really know what to do sometimes. Please tell me what you think.

Dear Anonymous,
If you find him to be controlling or possessive then it's not a healthy relationship to be in. I don't know him or you or the relationship but I do know that if he's getting mad over things that aren't that big of a deal then it's possible that he could have a problem. If you're unsure and you're having second thoughts about the relationship then you should breakup with your boyfriend. You have to rethink somethings and he has somethings he has to fix about himself before you should even think about living together. 

Anonymous Asked:
What to do about my love life, or lack of one?
I believe that there is one person somewhere that is my soul mate. I know there are a lot of great guys out there as well that I could get along with, but I hope that one day I will find my soul mate.
Anyways, I'm a senior in high school and I still haven't even been on a date yet. I flirt with guys, but whenever it gets close to being real, I always run away and pretend nothing ever happened. I never knew why until recently -I would rather not say publicly- but I still dream about having a relationship where I would feel comfortable.
I guess my question would be should I wait for my soul mate to come around, or should I date some random person (not actually random, but someone I know I won't end up with for a long time), and how do I get over running away from anything real?

Dear Anonymous,
Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs before finding prince charming. It's okay to date someone even if you know that it may not be someone you're with for a long time. That's actually a helpful way to get over running away from anything real because for all you know that someone you go on a date with may end up being someone you belong with or at least belong with for the time being. I've had the same problem and I've dated a few frogs, and dating a few frogs does help you even if you don't know how they're helping during the time being. If you're comfortable with someone then date them because for all you know they can be your soul-mate. 

Be Beautiful For You!

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