It's been awhile since I've done a Thursday Beauty post so I thought because I recently tried this DIY Brown Sugar Scrub, I'd share it with my readers or just keep the recipe handy for myself when I run out. I found this scrub while I was looking for something to stop my feet from cracking because they had been so dry since it's so cold in Seattle these last few weeks.
All you need is two ingredients; 1 cup of Brown Sugar and 1/4 cup of Coconut Oil.
Brown sugar is a great exfoliate, not only is it cheap but it's gentler and softer than a salt scrub. I realized that as I was showering that the brown sugar didn't feel as hard as when I would use sea salt to exfoliate.
Coconut Oil is also great to keep your skin moisturized. It's actually better than your lotion. It's natural and keeps a deep moisture on your skin. It also helps to remove dead skin cells. So the combination of brown sugar and coconut oil is an ideal one.
The other day, after showing and using the scrub, I noticed my skin smelled brown sugary sweet. It wasn't a big whiff of a scent, it's barely noticeable but it does make you smell really sweet. Talk about being made out of sugar and spice.
The brown sugar scrub could last you awhile as it is good for three months. Perfect for the winter season!
Be Beautiful For You.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Cozy Thanksgiving Outfit
My outfit for Thanksgiving this year. I'll be hosting Thanksgiving at my house with my family this year and I prefer to be cozy in my own home. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Be Beautiful For You!
Be Beautiful For You!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Drink A Beer
When I got the news today,
I didn't know what to say,
So I just hung up the phone.
I took a walk to clear my head
And this is where the walking lead
I didn't know what to say,
So I just hung up the phone.
I took a walk to clear my head
And this is where the walking lead
That moment you find out that someone you love or care about passed away, it's the most confusing feeling ever. When I heard my Grandpa had passed away, tears automatically came streaming down my face and I could just feel my heart breaking. As soon as my Dad turned into my grandparent's neighborhood we saw the firetruck and police cars, we parked at the neighbor's house and I ran to my Grandparent's house. He was in the backyard, laying on the deck and I didn't want to to go see him. I wasn't ready to see him so lifeless and I wasn't ready to do it on my own. After I told my Mom that Grandpa had passed away, the first person I wanted to call was Kenny but something was holding me back, and instead I called my cousin Aaron instead.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Monday Thoughts: Build Friendships
I know I haven't written as much as I wanted to or as much as I said I would, and honestly I don't know why. I do have time to write but maybe it's because nothing lately seems to be worth writing about. Today, however, I find myself having these thoughts that I just have to put out there because if I don't then it'll be on my mind for awhile.
I recently just turned 23 and it hit me, some of my friends are getting engaged, married or having babies and I'm just trying to figure out myself and keep in touch with my friends.
I think maybe I'm the kind of person who really needs to know who is going to be there during hard times and who is going to bail. It's hard enough to find friends that will last a lifetime but to find one person who wants to be your life for all of it can be even tougher.
I recently just turned 23 and it hit me, some of my friends are getting engaged, married or having babies and I'm just trying to figure out myself and keep in touch with my friends.
I think maybe I'm the kind of person who really needs to know who is going to be there during hard times and who is going to bail. It's hard enough to find friends that will last a lifetime but to find one person who wants to be your life for all of it can be even tougher.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Friday: Virginity; Music Speaks; Boyfriend Won't Speak To Mom
It's Friday advice night! I haven't done this in so long and apologize to anyone who actually reads my blog and misses my advice. I've been busy and now I believe I'll have more time to blog regularly like I use to, Monday through Friday. No promises.
Anonymous Asked:
Is it bad that I don' care that I lost my virginity?
I always said I would save myself until marriage, but then over the summer I wound up losing it to my boyfriend at the time, and to be honest, I didn't even really like him that much (I mean I did, but no where close to love). It wasn't special or romantic or anything like that either.. so maybe that's why I don't really care, I dunno. I just always see people who go on about how having se.x for the first time is such a huge deal, and it just wasn't like that to me. I barely even think about it anymore to be perfectly honest, and it only happened back in June. The majority of people are like, oh I regret losing my virginity when I did, etc. But I seriously could just care less. I don't really have any feelings about what happened and I feel like that's really terrible though that I don't, is it? I mean after having it I really don't understand why people do wait until marriage to tell you the truth, because it's just sex. I guess it's special when it's with someone you love and everything, but still, it's nothing that spectacular. Am I wrong for thinking this way?
Dear Anonymous,
There's sex and there's making love. I think you don't regret losing it because you weren't making love you were just having sex with a guy you didn't even really like so of course it doesn't seem special to you. But you make love that's when it's worth waiting for, when you make love it is so much more passionate than sex.
You're not wrong to think the way you are thinking, we all have our own thoughts when it comes to sex. That's just my thought on why you might be feeling a little confused on why you don't think it's nothing special.
Anonymous Asked:
Is it bad that I don' care that I lost my virginity?
I always said I would save myself until marriage, but then over the summer I wound up losing it to my boyfriend at the time, and to be honest, I didn't even really like him that much (I mean I did, but no where close to love). It wasn't special or romantic or anything like that either.. so maybe that's why I don't really care, I dunno. I just always see people who go on about how having se.x for the first time is such a huge deal, and it just wasn't like that to me. I barely even think about it anymore to be perfectly honest, and it only happened back in June. The majority of people are like, oh I regret losing my virginity when I did, etc. But I seriously could just care less. I don't really have any feelings about what happened and I feel like that's really terrible though that I don't, is it? I mean after having it I really don't understand why people do wait until marriage to tell you the truth, because it's just sex. I guess it's special when it's with someone you love and everything, but still, it's nothing that spectacular. Am I wrong for thinking this way?
Dear Anonymous,
There's sex and there's making love. I think you don't regret losing it because you weren't making love you were just having sex with a guy you didn't even really like so of course it doesn't seem special to you. But you make love that's when it's worth waiting for, when you make love it is so much more passionate than sex.
You're not wrong to think the way you are thinking, we all have our own thoughts when it comes to sex. That's just my thought on why you might be feeling a little confused on why you don't think it's nothing special.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Monday Thoughts: My Grandpa
I'm not very religious. I haven't read the bible but I was baptized Catholic. I go to Church on Christmas, Easter and some Sundays. I believe in God, Heaven, and Hell. But sometimes I question my faith. The last two and a half weeks I've been so lost. My grandpa passed away on July 10th of this year. I remember every detail that happened that day like it was yesterday. Although it wasn't very long ago, I can still hear my uncle's voice over the phone saying that my Grandpa had died.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Where Have I Been?
I have not written for a few months now and I don't know why because every day I tell myself I'm going to write a blog post but I don't. I've had time to write, I just chose not to. I didn't feel motivated enough to write. But today, I opened up my blog, read it, and began reflecting on what had happened over the years. My writing is not that great and that's okay because who reads this besides me? No one!
So where have I been? Home and work and home and work. That's my life at the moment, going back and forth between home and work. I haven't really been socializing. I honestly don't know why but my friends are starting to annoy me. I don't want to talk to them or see them most of the time. But it's making me feel lonely. I like to be alone but I hate that lonely feeling.
I don't know why I'm randomly posting today. It just feels good to write again. I won't be able to post next week because I will be on a cruise and I will have limited access to the internet. I won't be bringing my laptop for this trip. Let's see if I can go almost a week without my laptop though. I hope to blog tomorrow --Friday-- with the usual Friday Advice but I won't make any promises.
Be Beautiful For You
So where have I been? Home and work and home and work. That's my life at the moment, going back and forth between home and work. I haven't really been socializing. I honestly don't know why but my friends are starting to annoy me. I don't want to talk to them or see them most of the time. But it's making me feel lonely. I like to be alone but I hate that lonely feeling.
I don't know why I'm randomly posting today. It just feels good to write again. I won't be able to post next week because I will be on a cruise and I will have limited access to the internet. I won't be bringing my laptop for this trip. Let's see if I can go almost a week without my laptop though. I hope to blog tomorrow --Friday-- with the usual Friday Advice but I won't make any promises.
Be Beautiful For You
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Monday Thoughts: Voice Crush
Lately I've been watching The Good Wife. For those who don't know what the show is about, it's basically about a wife who sticks by her husband's side after a public scandal. She also goes back to working as a lawyer after thirteen years of being a stay at home mom. The show follows her struggles at work and outside of work. I love the show, I'd have to say it's my new favorite right now.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Friday: Over; Childish; World Issues
Happy Friday! I'm going to have a very interesting weekend and I will talk about it next week. Let's get on to my advice shall we?
Anonymous Asked:
Is this relationship over?
I have been in a deep relationship with my boyfriend for the past five years. On Sunday night he told that he wasn't in love with me anymore and he was crying as he said it. We have a long history together and times have been really stressful lately. But I need to hear it, is this relationship over?
Dear Anonymous,
I can't tell you yes or no but I can tell you that even though he may not be in love with you, he still in a way loves you. And he loved you enough to be honest with you. The relationship, the boyfriend and girlfriend part of the relationship is possibly over but the friendship part isn't.
Anonymous Asked:
Is this relationship over?
I have been in a deep relationship with my boyfriend for the past five years. On Sunday night he told that he wasn't in love with me anymore and he was crying as he said it. We have a long history together and times have been really stressful lately. But I need to hear it, is this relationship over?
Dear Anonymous,
I can't tell you yes or no but I can tell you that even though he may not be in love with you, he still in a way loves you. And he loved you enough to be honest with you. The relationship, the boyfriend and girlfriend part of the relationship is possibly over but the friendship part isn't.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Thursday Beauty: Beauty Tips
I will be honest I don't wear makeup on a daily basis. But over the years I've read up on makeup, some do's and don'ts of the trade and there were some tips that have I have learned over the years.
1. Use makeup is to enhance your features. If you love your eyes then enhance them. If you love your lips then show them off.
2. Don't hide behind your makeup. Confidence doesn't come from how good you look on the outside, it comes from how good you feel inside. No amount of makeup can cover up an ugly heart.
3. Foundation is for women over 30. This may seem mean and possibly stupid but I remember reading in an article that foundation should be used for woman over 30 so use a tinted moisturizer or BB Cream to help even out your skin tone if you need to. But if you love your foundation and don't want to leave it then continue to wear it because it is up to you.
4. Less is more for the day. A simple makeup look during the day is perfect and doesn't require much time.
5. Protect yourself from the sun. Wear sunscreen or anything with SPF15 or higher is good and don't forget to protect those lips as well.
1. Use makeup is to enhance your features. If you love your eyes then enhance them. If you love your lips then show them off.
2. Don't hide behind your makeup. Confidence doesn't come from how good you look on the outside, it comes from how good you feel inside. No amount of makeup can cover up an ugly heart.
3. Foundation is for women over 30. This may seem mean and possibly stupid but I remember reading in an article that foundation should be used for woman over 30 so use a tinted moisturizer or BB Cream to help even out your skin tone if you need to. But if you love your foundation and don't want to leave it then continue to wear it because it is up to you.
4. Less is more for the day. A simple makeup look during the day is perfect and doesn't require much time.
5. Protect yourself from the sun. Wear sunscreen or anything with SPF15 or higher is good and don't forget to protect those lips as well.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Crying On A Suitcase
Boy don’t wait, don’t think, don’t lock the door behind you
Run and jump into your truck, hit the gas, burn some rubber up
Yeah your time’s running out
Do it now
Run and jump into your truck, hit the gas, burn some rubber up
Yeah your time’s running out
Do it now
There are many times when I've wanted to pack up and leave. There were times when I wanted to pick up my phone and call the one person I know who would take me away from my problems. The thing is, I know I can't run away from my problems because my problems will still be there when I get back. So there's no point in running away from something. However there is a point to running to something.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Monday Thoughts: Rambling
Over the weekend I kept thinking that some people forget that others have feelings as well. Sometimes we all get caught up in how we feel that we forget to think about how the other person or the people around us might be feeling. I keep thinking that people are forgetting how I feel, as selfish as that may sound right now, I feel lost without the people I care about, or the people who I at least thought cared about me too.
They say people put up walls to see who will try to knock them down and right now no one seems to be knocking down the walls I've put up. Everyone is doing their own thing, living their own life and I feel like I'm being left out. I like being alone but I hate being lonely. And that's how I feel right now, I feel lonely and lost like no one is there for me when all I did was be there for them.
I know that they all have their own lives and I understand that because I have my own life too but that doesn't mean I don't have time for my friends.
They say people put up walls to see who will try to knock them down and right now no one seems to be knocking down the walls I've put up. Everyone is doing their own thing, living their own life and I feel like I'm being left out. I like being alone but I hate being lonely. And that's how I feel right now, I feel lonely and lost like no one is there for me when all I did was be there for them.
I know that they all have their own lives and I understand that because I have my own life too but that doesn't mean I don't have time for my friends.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Friday: Outsider; His Feelings; Weed Off
This has been a pretty boring week for me. I spent a lot of time by myself, which I don't mind because I like being alone but I dislike being lonely.
Anonymous Asked:
I feel like an outsider with my friends.
I'm always the one in the group being ignored, the one who's always left out, the one who's just kinda "there". If that makes sense. I honestly try so hard to be their friends. I have no idea what to do, and I feel like no matter what I do, it doesn't matter and that I'm not good enough, not funny enough, not pretty enough, or not outgoing enough. Any advice please, I could really use it.
Dear Anonymous,
Sometimes you have to stop trying so hard and just be yourself. Don't worry about be the funny, pretty or outgoing and just be you. Sometimes you get so caught up in trying to be things and you forget to be yourself. The reason they became friends with you is who you are and not who they want. If it's hard to be friends with them then maybe they're just not the people you should be friends with.
I moved in the middle of 3rd grade and all these girls at my new school already had their own group and even though they tried to include me, I still felt like an outsider, so I do understand how you feel.
When we went to junior high, I made new friends, people I actually fit in with and never had to feel like I was trying.
Friends are suppose to make you feel comfortable, and make you feel like you belong. If you don't feel that way then you should think about making new friends especially if you can't seem to make it work with your current friends.
Anonymous Asked:
I feel like an outsider with my friends.
I'm always the one in the group being ignored, the one who's always left out, the one who's just kinda "there". If that makes sense. I honestly try so hard to be their friends. I have no idea what to do, and I feel like no matter what I do, it doesn't matter and that I'm not good enough, not funny enough, not pretty enough, or not outgoing enough. Any advice please, I could really use it.
Dear Anonymous,
Sometimes you have to stop trying so hard and just be yourself. Don't worry about be the funny, pretty or outgoing and just be you. Sometimes you get so caught up in trying to be things and you forget to be yourself. The reason they became friends with you is who you are and not who they want. If it's hard to be friends with them then maybe they're just not the people you should be friends with.
I moved in the middle of 3rd grade and all these girls at my new school already had their own group and even though they tried to include me, I still felt like an outsider, so I do understand how you feel.
When we went to junior high, I made new friends, people I actually fit in with and never had to feel like I was trying.
Friends are suppose to make you feel comfortable, and make you feel like you belong. If you don't feel that way then you should think about making new friends especially if you can't seem to make it work with your current friends.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Thursday Beauty: Three Homemade Masks
I've been MIA for a couple weeks now; basically I haven't posted since before Valentine's Day. No romantic story for you this year. I had to work. But before heading to work I bumped in to an old friend from high school and she is just as beautiful as she was then. She was always beautiful and I was always a little jealous but I loved her nonetheless. In fact, she was one of my best friends who actually helped me become the confident person I am today.
Well that was a little update from the past couple weeks. To make up for my lack of blog posts, I have found three homemade masks that you make from products in your kitchen.
Well that was a little update from the past couple weeks. To make up for my lack of blog posts, I have found three homemade masks that you make from products in your kitchen.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Even If It Breaks Your Heart
Way back on the radio dial
A fire got lit inside a bright eyed child
Every note just wrapped around his soul
From Steel guitars to Memphis all the way to Rock n' Roll
Have you ever had that moment in your life when you realized you knew exactly what you were born to do? Or maybe that moment hasn't happened yet. Because I don't even know if I had that moment where I realized I wanted to own a business. I think my path has always changed as I was growing up but now I have one, okay, two goals in mind. Start a business and start a family. For me it doesn't matter the order as long as those goals are reached.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Monday Thoughts: Second Guessing
The last couple days I've been seconding guessing myself. I've been trying to convince myself not get too attached to someone I care about a lot and I don't know why because that person hasn't given me a reason to doubt our friendship. But lately I've been curious about his past and how that would affect our friendship. Curiosity sometimes gets the best of me and I start thinking of the worse possible things and I hate that. But then I remind myself that I've known this person for a long time, and no matter what happened when I wasn't part of his life, it doesn't change how I care about him.
So how come I've started to doubt? I don't want to doubt; I want to have faith in this rekindling friendship. Part of me knows he won't let me down because when he came back he told me I wouldn't have to worry about him ever leaving me. And he's been there for me ever since. I mean he would go out of his way to save me, whether it's physically or emotionally saving me, he's there. He is an amazing friend and I still don't understand why I'm second guessing my friend. Maybe cause I've been let down so many times before. Maybe I'm just waiting for it to happen.
That is not a happy thought.
Be Beautiful For You.
So how come I've started to doubt? I don't want to doubt; I want to have faith in this rekindling friendship. Part of me knows he won't let me down because when he came back he told me I wouldn't have to worry about him ever leaving me. And he's been there for me ever since. I mean he would go out of his way to save me, whether it's physically or emotionally saving me, he's there. He is an amazing friend and I still don't understand why I'm second guessing my friend. Maybe cause I've been let down so many times before. Maybe I'm just waiting for it to happen.
That is not a happy thought.
Be Beautiful For You.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Friday: Second Chances; Abuse; Controlling Boyfriend
Please remember that my advice comes from my own experience and the experiences of others around me. I hope that everyone knows how much respect they deserve when it comes to relationships either with a boyfriend, girlfriend, friend or even parent. No one deserves to be disrespected in any way. No one deserves to be hit for any reason. I hope people learn to treat each other with kindness. It saddens me knowing that there are people out there that don't know how to get the help they need or they're afraid to get the help they need.
Chazzidyw Asked:
How many chances should you give your boyfriend?
My and my dude has been living together for 2 months. And he is very controlling and wants things to go his way all the time. We have had physical fights before. Once the police had to be called and after the altercation I forgave him and took him back. And he told me he was sorry and it would never happen again. I moved out and went to stay with a friend but I ended up moving back with my boyfriend. Since then we have had arguments and he called me a bitch. I got up and hit him and we started fighting again. That was my first time hitting him. Its like some days we have good days and sometimes we don't. I don't know if I want to leave and break up with him or give him another chance. I know that if I give him another chance the same things gonna happen again. The reason why I don't wanna break up is because I became kind of close with his family and I'm gonna miss them..Its gonna be hard to say goodbye. Also I don't wanna break up with him because I want to help him and be a friend to him. But he does not appreciate my kindness. Every time I try to talk to him about our problems he makes it seem like its not a big deal or say "well what are you gonna do about it." As if he refuses to change his ways. He is very rude also,and he talks about his ex in front of me all the time.
Dear Chazzidyw,
My mom has told that no man, and I stress the word man, should ever call his girlfriend, wife, or even mother, a bitch. The second he calls you that is when you leave him because that's a word he used out of disrespect for you and no woman deserves to be disrespected. Do not stay with someone who disrespects you in anyway. If he does not appreciate you then you shouldn't be with him. If he hits you then you shouldn't be with him. If he controls you then you shouldn't be with him. Do you get where I'm going? I understand you are close to his family but if they're the only reason you're sticking with this guy then you should talk to them about his behavior. But honestly, this guy doesn't deserve anymore chances from you.
Chazzidyw Asked:
How many chances should you give your boyfriend?
My and my dude has been living together for 2 months. And he is very controlling and wants things to go his way all the time. We have had physical fights before. Once the police had to be called and after the altercation I forgave him and took him back. And he told me he was sorry and it would never happen again. I moved out and went to stay with a friend but I ended up moving back with my boyfriend. Since then we have had arguments and he called me a bitch. I got up and hit him and we started fighting again. That was my first time hitting him. Its like some days we have good days and sometimes we don't. I don't know if I want to leave and break up with him or give him another chance. I know that if I give him another chance the same things gonna happen again. The reason why I don't wanna break up is because I became kind of close with his family and I'm gonna miss them..Its gonna be hard to say goodbye. Also I don't wanna break up with him because I want to help him and be a friend to him. But he does not appreciate my kindness. Every time I try to talk to him about our problems he makes it seem like its not a big deal or say "well what are you gonna do about it." As if he refuses to change his ways. He is very rude also,and he talks about his ex in front of me all the time.
Dear Chazzidyw,
My mom has told that no man, and I stress the word man, should ever call his girlfriend, wife, or even mother, a bitch. The second he calls you that is when you leave him because that's a word he used out of disrespect for you and no woman deserves to be disrespected. Do not stay with someone who disrespects you in anyway. If he does not appreciate you then you shouldn't be with him. If he hits you then you shouldn't be with him. If he controls you then you shouldn't be with him. Do you get where I'm going? I understand you are close to his family but if they're the only reason you're sticking with this guy then you should talk to them about his behavior. But honestly, this guy doesn't deserve anymore chances from you.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Thursday Beauty: Makeup Collection
I didn't blog last Thursday or Friday so I am making up for it today by showing my makeup collection. Now there isn't much but it's plenty for me.
I have three eye shadow palettes, two of them from Urban Decay and one from Too Faced. I usually use the Naked Palette or the Too Faced Natural Eye Neutral Eye Shadow Collection. I haven't used the other Urban Decay Palette in awhile. Colors kind of scare me but I'm trying to break from that. I'm very big on eyeshadow though because I wear glasses so I sometimes play up my eyes so they can be seen instead of hidden behind my glasses.
![]() |
Natural Makeup Look |
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
S.A.D Outfit
Single Awareness Day Outfit for the single ladies on Valentine's Day. Just cause you're single doesn't mean you can't still look a little rockin'.
Be Beautiful For You
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Cleaning This Gun
The Declaration of Independence
Think I could tell you that first sentence
But then I’m lost
I can't begin to count the theories
I've had pounded in my head
That I forgot
In a couple days, my family and I will be celebrating my father's birthday. I love my dad, he's strong, kind and generous. He has the best stories from when he was growing up that you would never believe. I still can believe some of the things he did growing up. My dad got into so much trouble when he was my age which makes sense to why he is so protective of me. Not just when it comes to boys but where I go, what I do, and who I'm with. I always check in with my dad, not just for my sake but for his sake.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday Thoughts: Anniversary ♥
Today is my parent's 23rd wedding anniversary! Love it! But it didn't seem like it was a special day so I'm planning to do something special for them soon. I've thinking about their anniversary for a couple days now. I'm really lucky that my parents are still together after all this time and that I have watched this love unfold over the years. I've watched them fight and makeup so I have this faith in relationships that probably not a lot of people have.
When I graduated from high school, I remember this time when my friend's mom was looking through her old high school yearbook. She spent five minutes looking for herself until she realized she was looking for herself in the wrong section, she was looking at her last name instead of her maiden name and we had a good laugh at that. It wasn't until recently that I thought of that memory and it made me want that. I want to be married to someone for so long that sometimes I forget I had another last name.
When I graduated from high school, I remember this time when my friend's mom was looking through her old high school yearbook. She spent five minutes looking for herself until she realized she was looking for herself in the wrong section, she was looking at her last name instead of her maiden name and we had a good laugh at that. It wasn't until recently that I thought of that memory and it made me want that. I want to be married to someone for so long that sometimes I forget I had another last name.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Friday: Liking The Same Guy; Does He Like Me; Keeping A Diet
It's the first Friday advice of 2013! Yay! Excitement in the air, can you feel it? I can't especially since I don't know if people actually read/take my advice but hey I like giving it. So let's do this!
Anonymous Asked:
My friend and I like the same guy?
I've liked this guy for almost five months and I never told her. Today, she told me she liked the same guy. She's really pretty, smart and popular; and I don't even stand a chance. Should I tell her? What do I do?
Dear Anonymous,
I recently found out that my friend liked the guy our mutual friend was dating and she liked him before out friend dated him. After they broke up, my friend told her she liked her ex-boyfriend before they dated. Our friend told her that if she would have known then she wouldn't have gone for him.
From that situation, I would have to say, let your friend know and then you two can figure out what should be done instead of trying to compete for him.
Anonymous Asked:
My friend and I like the same guy?
I've liked this guy for almost five months and I never told her. Today, she told me she liked the same guy. She's really pretty, smart and popular; and I don't even stand a chance. Should I tell her? What do I do?
Dear Anonymous,
I recently found out that my friend liked the guy our mutual friend was dating and she liked him before out friend dated him. After they broke up, my friend told her she liked her ex-boyfriend before they dated. Our friend told her that if she would have known then she wouldn't have gone for him.
From that situation, I would have to say, let your friend know and then you two can figure out what should be done instead of trying to compete for him.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Thursday Beauty: Target Haul!
I went on a small tiny trip to Target to buy a new facial cleanser. I've heard great reviews and praises for Cetaphil's Daily Facial Cleanser so I decided to pick that up as well as the new Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation and L'oreal's Colour Riche Balm.
I wasn't able to try any of the products I got until after work so I won't be doing any reviews till probably next week. I bought Nearly Naked in Shell and Colour Riche in Caring Coral. So far I am loving the products because the makeup products are so helpful for a natural look. I wasn't able to buy as much stuff as I wanted to though because not a lot could fit in my work locker. I will however go back to Target this weekend when I have more time and more money. Payday Friday! I can't wait cause there are somethings, non-beauty related, that I wanted to buy.
Be Beautiful For You!
I wasn't able to try any of the products I got until after work so I won't be doing any reviews till probably next week. I bought Nearly Naked in Shell and Colour Riche in Caring Coral. So far I am loving the products because the makeup products are so helpful for a natural look. I wasn't able to buy as much stuff as I wanted to though because not a lot could fit in my work locker. I will however go back to Target this weekend when I have more time and more money. Payday Friday! I can't wait cause there are somethings, non-beauty related, that I wanted to buy.
Be Beautiful For You!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
My mind is a gun that I use to courage
Asking everyone if it's dumb if I do this
Don't know what to say when they see right through it
And I don't understand it but somehow I planned this
My hand is a cane that I lean on for balance
Carrying the weight of a struggling prowess
Jumping through the hoops of an endless circus
I gave myself a world that I don't know what to do with
Monday, January 21, 2013
Monday Night Thinking
It's hard to write on a daily basis without thinking before hand on what to write about. I have said in the past that I would blog Monday through Friday and I haven't been able to because of work and my laziness. But as I settle into the new year, I realize that a goal every day is what I need to create in order for me to do what I say I want to do. If that makes any sense at all.
Every Monday will be a "Thinking Out Loud" post, Tuesday will be a lyrical post, Wednesday is an outfit inspiration post, Thursday Beauty post and Friday is the advice from yours truly. And with that, I would like to start Thinking Out Loud.
Every Monday will be a "Thinking Out Loud" post, Tuesday will be a lyrical post, Wednesday is an outfit inspiration post, Thursday Beauty post and Friday is the advice from yours truly. And with that, I would like to start Thinking Out Loud.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
New Year Ahhh!
I know we are a couple weeks away from February but it dawned on me when I was writing out the year that we are no long in 2012 and that it is 2013. I graduated almost four years ago from high school but it doesn't feel like it was that long ago. I've lost touch with people I use to talk to every day and they were there for me. Somehow over the last four years we drifted and it makes me sad that those people, I use to call my little family, don't know what is going on in my life and I don't know what is going on in their lives.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Begin Again
Took a deep breath in the mirror
He didn’t like it when I wore high heels, but I do
Turned the lock and put my headphones on
He always said he didn’t get this song but I do, I do
He didn’t like it when I wore high heels, but I do
Turned the lock and put my headphones on
He always said he didn’t get this song but I do, I do
Kenny is back home for good and I am so happy. I have butterflies and I'm all smiles because he's home and I have my friend back. I was really emotional when I heard from him, I actually cried. Then when he came over, it was the happiest I had been in a long time. He's a big part of my life, and I wouldn't want him out of it. There's this quote that says "Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else," and I think being away from him for three years made me realize that there's no one else I can have crazy adventures with.
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