Monday, July 25, 2011

9 Reasons to Wait

To do or not to do; that is the question. Sex is a special thing and shouldn't be taken for granted. Now, I'm very opinionated when it comes to losing your virginity. No one should have sex just to get it over with they should have it because they're in love. I know we have our own opinions when it comes to sex for the first time and this is mine.

Ladies please wait, wait as long as possible. I know its your choice to have sex but do it for the right reasons. Do it because you're in love and that you believe in your heart that this who you want to have sex with.  I'm personally waiting until I get married. I made promise to myself when I was five.
When I broke up with my first boyfriend, there was a guest speaker. He talked about this hooker who was ashamed of herself and no I'm not comparing anyone to a hooker because I don't know your life style. He ended up falling in love and marrying her. After telling his story, he asked the guys if they'd be okay with having sex with a girl who has already done it before and the majority said no. You'd be surprise how a guy does care if a girl has sex or not and that most of them prefer to be with a girl who hasn't had sex, who has remain pure and kept their innocence. After the talk, he gave us all bookmarks with nine reasons to wait. Please look them over and think about them carefully.

1. So you can know the WHOLE person.
2. So you can build and test each others trust.
3. So there is no guilt or fear later.
4. So best sex isn't destroyed.
5. So you're not faced with abortions and pregnancies.
6. So you'll never have an STD (at least lower your chances).
7. So you'll never be compared to past partners.
8. So you won't have to fight a bad reputation.
9. So you won't be stealing from someone else's marriage

After reading that I hope you rethink how you feel about saving yourself for someone special. I'm not forcing you to wait like I am. Just think about the consequences of sex. Think about what could happen. Think about the relationship as well, will it make or break your relationship? If it's left unchanged then good. Just remember have sex for the right reasons and use protection.

Be Beautiful for You