Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Re Post: Going Overboard

About a year ago I was on xanga I wrote this blog about healthy eating and losing weight. I thought it was really good so I'm posting it here again. 
July 20th 2010
Okay, so I'm all for wanting to be healthy and lose weight and becoming a better you but don't go overboard. There's a lot of talk about the Seventeen Magazine's Six Week Work Out and that's great. They're starting to exercise and eat healthy. But some of these girls have either been eating less or barely eating at all. Some have even resorted to detoxifying their bodies by going on the water cleanse. You're 16! You don't need to do that! You don't realize that your body needs nutrients and all that other good stuff. You're going to be left feeling weak and sick. 
Don't be silly. You need to use your head. If your body is used to something you're going to have to work out of it slowly. You can't just all of a sudden do something to your body and thing it'll be alright. No! Okay first once you stop with that detox or any fad diet you'll gain the weight you lost all over again. 
Don't diet, change your lifestyle. Change the foods you eat, add exercising as part of your daily or weekly routine. Build it in with your lifestyle. And don't give me that "I'm so busy..." bullshit. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes a day. You've got five minutes, trust me you do. Do some squats, jumping jacks or hell even dance to get some exercising in. As for eating, just remember to stop when you're full. When will you know you're full? Take the time to eat. Chew slowly, let your stomach realize that food is going to it, it'll know when you're full. Also look at the portion of food you're putting onto your plate and compare it to how big your stomach is. Do you want your stomach to be big or small? Use your head. 
By the way, don't keep eating the same crappy food you have been eating and eat less of it and expect a change. You know what's good for you. 
Don't go overboard. Use your brain, that's part of the reason its there. Take it slow. 

Be Beautiful For You!

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