Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday: Liking The Same Guy; Does He Like Me; Keeping A Diet

It's the first Friday advice of 2013! Yay! Excitement in the air, can you feel it? I can't especially since I don't know if people actually read/take my advice but hey I like giving it. So let's do this!

Anonymous Asked:
My friend and I like the same guy?
I've liked this guy for almost five months and I never told her. Today, she told me she liked the same guy. She's really pretty, smart and popular; and I don't even stand a chance. Should I tell her? What do I do?

Dear Anonymous,
I recently found out that my friend liked the guy our mutual friend was dating and she liked him before out friend dated him. After they broke up, my friend told her she liked her ex-boyfriend before they dated. Our friend told her that if she would have known then she wouldn't have gone for him.
From that situation, I would have to say, let your friend know and then you two can figure out what should be done instead of trying to compete for him.

Anonymous Asked:
I'm 18 and he's 25; we're dating but does he really like me for me? He seems like he likes but it's just the little things that I notice and that makes me question his motives. First off, he's a lot older and when we walk he doesn't hold my hand; instead he wraps his arm around my waist but sometimes his hand moves over to my butt, which I don't like. He does take me out on awesome, creative dates; and usually always insists on paying which I like but at the same time we do spend a lot of time in his room watching movies and he can get a bit handsy like grabbing my butt and boobs. He's 25 and has a really big sexual appetite and I'm not like that. I just want to know if he actually likes me or if just wants to "get some." On a side note, he also told me that when he was 18, he dated a stupid girl just because he liked the sex she gave him. I know that was a long time ago and people change but that's what really got me to question his motives.

Dear Anonymous;
I can't really tell you whether he does like you for you. That's something you have to talk to him. Frm what you've said, it seems to me that he might be trying to take advantage of cause he's older and is experience. You really should talk to him about this, about your concern.

Christinach98 Asked:
I always say I'll start my diet tomorrow, but then I eat then feel horrible and eat even more. I want to throw it up. What can I do?

Dear Christinach98;
Don't think of it as a diet, think of it more as changing your habits. I suggest starting with a food journal, that way you can weed out the bad things from the good things. It can help you see how you are eating, what you're eating and you can see what you need to change.

Be Beautiful For You.

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