Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday: Broken Promises; Getting Back Together; New Outfit Ideas

Happy Friday Beautiful Girls! I hope you all had a great week and I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Anonymous Asked:
Guys and Promises?
If a guy really loves you will he still break promises? Like simple promises like going to the movies or out for dinner?
And what if continues to say he wants to get engaged, but he doesn't save back any money..
How am I suppose to believe him when he can't do the little things he promises.. I mean how am I suppose to believe him about marriage?

Dear Anonymous,
Before you decide whether you should stay or go, you really need to talk to him about making promises and keeping if you haven't already.
If it's just little things every now and then, it's not big deal but if the the little things happening frequently you really need to sit down and talk about it.
Marriage is a lifetime promise and I understand that you're having doubts about him when he breaking simple promises. But if he's breaking these small promises for the right reasons like work emergency or something understandable then you shouldn't other think it.
With doubts comes communication. If you have concerns you have to let him know.

KamiRainbow Asked:
I feel so lost right now.
My boyfriend and I broke up about three days ago. He left me because (I think) I wouldn't sleep with him but now he keeps texting and call me. He says he sorry and I want to go back with him but I don't know if I should get back together with him?

Dear KamiRainbow,
If you're going to get back together with him, you need to know if things are going to change. That he won't pressure you into having sex and won't talk about sex unless you want to. Before getting back together, if you do, you have to talk to him to see what his thoughts are.

Anonymous Asked:
I'm sick of jeans and t-shirts, but it's too cold for dress. Help me spice up my wardrobe?
I need new outfit ideas besides jeans and tees. I'm pretty simple, but I need change!

Dear Anonymous,
It's never too cold to wear dresses! Especially if you're inside a lot. If you want to wear dresses go for it just wear some sweater tights or opaque tights underneath.
Accessories add a little spice to any outfit so whether it be a necklace, bracelet, ring or scarf, it will add something to outfit.
Tunics with leggings also a good way to keep it casual just make sure the tunic covers your butt. Cardigans have been to helpful as well.
Boyfriend blazers are great for a laid back look even if you're are in just jeans and a tee.
I highly recommend, if you haven't already, checking out for outfit inspiration. It's been very helpful for me. 

Be Beautiful For You

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