Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Family Parties!

This happens when I'm with my other other family
Over the weekend, most of us spent it with our family and friends. Christmas Eve I spent it with my Mom's "Family" her family is in the Philippines so the people that were over were the people she considered her family and I consider them my family as well. Christmas Day I spent it with my dad's family. I love spending time with both families and I wish it happened more than once a year. Although sometimes once a year together is plenty because my family is so full of drama and news travels fast in the family.  And we're a big family, I have 20 first cousins and even more second and third cousins.
I highly enjoy sitting around my Grandparent's living room and talking to my cousin. Actually I feel that as we got older we moved from the bedrooms to the living room thus making the house feel crowded and really hot when it's freezing outside. The beautiful thing is that we're all together and we're not fighting. For once actually we all agreed on one thing: my cousin's engagement was probably not the best idea he has had but who love him and we support him. It seems that every year my family seems to grow more and more and to me it's a beautiful thing.
Be Beautiful For You!

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