Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday: He Smokes; Back to the Ex; Age Problem?

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend with friends and family. My treat to you is just some advice. Sorry it's not a giveaway or anything like that. Maybe next year. :)

Anonymous Asked:
I like this guy but he smokes, and I would never do that. 
What do I do? Get over him? He also hangs out with people who smoke.

Dear Anonymous
Just because he does, doesn't mean he'll make you if you happen to date him. Especially if he cares about you.
When I was 16 my first boyfriend smoked, and did drugs but I never did. One because I stuck to what I believed in and two because he didn't want me to do any of those things because he knew they were bad and although he knew they were bad he still did them anyway.
From my own experience I would say get over him but that's really up to you. I was always worried about my ex when we were dating because sometimes he didn't even come to school or his friends influenced him to skip classes and I was just always worried. If you want to talk about it more feel free to message me.

Getting back with your EX is a bad idea??
I really would want to get back with my ex bf. But is it a bad or good idea? Should i just move on and not waste my time?

Well it depends on why you broke up in the first place. If it's something that has been fixed and resolved or can be resolved then try to give it another go. But it's not something that can be fixed then it's best not to go there again and move on.
From my own experience, going back with an ex is a bad idea, I mean you broke up for a reason.

Anonymous Asked:
My age is keeping us apart.
I met this guy this year, I'm a freshman and his a senior, he was my T.A for math class but I wasn't doing good in there so I moved to another class. And we stopped talking for a while and like 2 weeks ago we started talking again :) He said he liked me and I like him too the only problem is that his 18 and I'm 14 but he could get in problems because of my age! I hate this because we like each other a lot but age is keeping us apart. Plus he's planning on going to the military when he graduates of course I'm happy for him but I dont know if it would work out because I would hardly see him. I mean I like him alot & I dont think that would bother me at all but I need advice. What can I do ? 

Dear Anonymous
Be his friend. I mean right now the age is a problem but if you continue to be friends then in a few years your age won't be a problem and that is if you two still like each other.
Just remember that right now you two are both in different times in your lives. He's ending his high school career and yours is just beginning.
"You do your thing and I do my thing. You are you and I am I. And if in the end we end up together, it's beautiful." ~Topanga, Boy Meets World

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