Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday: Baby Daddy Issues, Figuring Out If He's The One, Stay with Him?

Happy Friday! And Happy End of Finals for some College Students! I was done yesterday and I found out today that I passed all my classes. Yay for me!

A_Tahe Asked:
I'm having a baby in March and already having Daddy Issues.
Okay well I've been planning to move in with my boyfriend he has his own place and it'll be good for the baby, he wants me to move in like really really wants me to! But the problem is that he always has his friends over like everyday they even stay there sometimes like its their house!
They party there and smoke a lot, sometimes a fight will break out for no reason at all because they're all drunk. (i know what your thinking what kind of bf is he huh? but hes my baby's daddy and i love him no matter how twisted he is)
I never say anything because its not my place. I know it wont be good for the baby if he keeps this up, I just don't know the best way to talk to him about a lot of people being there.
I just wanna know what would you do in my situation?

Dear A_Tahe
In this situation I would tell him that if he wants me to live there then things are going to have to change. His friends can come over but they can't stay. No more smoking inside, limiting on drinking and stuff like that because it's not good for you to be around while you're pregnant and you want to create an environment that you can bring the baby to live in and it's safe for that baby. Think about the baby more than him or you because that's your life now and I'm sure you already know that.

Anonymous Asked:
Can I get an opinion about this relationship?
we'll call him "Ryan", we were bf/gf for 3 years of high school then broke up because my friends started rumors. we've spent the last year 1/2 just hooking up, talking everyday, we still stayed in each others lives. I'm going to college with him in a few months, and we both said we want to be together but we don't know when we'll be ready, in the meantime we won't be seeing anyone else either. i do love him, but some days i hate him because of the hurt i go through. should i see other people in order to know he's the right one?

Dear Anonymous
If you have to see if he's the one by dating other people then maybe he's not the one and you should see other people. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear but that's just one way to look at it.
Another way to look at is that if you see other people then you can experience different types of love that people have to offer. A lot of people are afraid to step out of their comfort zone and meet new people to see what else is out there for them.
He will always have a place in your heart just remember that.

Anonymous Asked:
Should I stay with my boyfriend?
My friend and her boyfriend are always talking, and hanging out and stuff. They aways find time to spend with each other. But my boy doesn't. It's been said that our relationship is empty. We rarely talk, we're both busy but like my friend said that's no excuse. We're coming up on one year, and nothing has been said. I'm starting to doubt and I feel horrible about it.

Dear Anonymous
All relationships are different and shouldn't be compared to another.
However, taking out that factor of comparison, if you're not making time for each other then what's the point of staying together?
The best thing to do is try to make time and talk about this with him. Especially if you still care about him and you believe he cares for you as well.

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