Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday: Who Pays, FWB, and Opportunity Knocks

It's Friday! A very Happy 19th Birthday to my little "brother" Joshua! Question Time!

Anonymous Asked:
Who should pay on a date?
When you go on a date, who do you think should pay for the date?
Should it be the person who asked, the boy, or should you split costs?

Dear Anonymous
I was taught that the person who asks should pay but you should always have enough money just for yourself if you didn't ask him out.

Kinzziejay Asked:
Friends with Benefits; is it okay?
I have a group of friends who live near me; they're all boys and they're all good friends with my brother too. My Bro is 18 and lives at one friend's house now.
One of these friends is my neighbor,  Jason,  is very cute. I don't like him but we've had sex, twice now. He took my virginity We've talked about it and we decided to be friends with benefits. I'm happy with it and so is he. The down sides are; Jason is one of my brothers best friends and my brother doesn't know, he thinks we kissed once. Jason is one of my best friends and I trust him but we're not in love or even in like
My question is; is it okay for two people who aren't in love to have sex? should we continue? and if we do, is it okay to continue behind my brothers back?

Dear Kinzziejay
We all have our opinions when it comes to sex and I don't think that having sex without love is a good thing. Sex can lead to pregnancy and who wants to be pregnant by someone they don't love? Even if you take all the precautions, its still a possibility.
If you're comfortable though with having sex with someone you don't love then that's your choice. It's not something I recommend but it is your choice.
But its not okay to go behind your brother's back. You're his sister and its his job as an older brother to be looking out for you. I'm an only child but I do have a lot of guys who do look out for me and if I went behind their back I'd feel a lot of regret.
Plus if he found out by someone other then you he could be really upset with the both of you.

Anonymous Asked:
My boyfriend is leaving for college. 
I will be a junior this year and my boyfriend just graduated and today he told me that he just got a $22,000 scholarship to a college in New York. We live in Maryland. He said my opinion matters a lot to him and wants to know what I think. With such a great opportunity I don't want to hold him back but I really don't want him to leave what should I do?

Dear Anonymous
Love is choosing the greater good for the other person.
If he has a great opportunity then you shouldn't be the one to hold him back. If anyone is going to hold him back it should be him.
Though your opinion matters, he can't make school decisions based on what you want. It has to be what he wants and if he wants to go you have to support him. If you love him, support whatever he decides to do. For him not for you.

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