Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Part of My Life: Dogs

I love dogs. I've never been afraid of dogs no matter how big or how small, I love them. When I was younger, around four or five, I had a Siberian Husky Chow and she was beautiful. Sadly she got hit by a car one morning when she escaped from my grandparent's backyard. I remember when we got the call and my dad told me; I went straight to my bed and cried under the covers.

They're sleeping on the blanket my ex got me for Christmas one year
Years later, when I was ten, we got another dog. We named him Tiger, he's a Bichon Frise mixed with Poodle. Three years later we adopted a little Pomeranian from the Animal Shelter and named her Makeena, Mak for short. 
Being an only child, Tiger and Mak are more than just pets, they're my family. When I'm home sick, they're laying next to me. When I'm crying and have no one to hold, they're right there being sad with me. When my parents are out late and I'm ready to go to bed, they're sleeping next to me on my bed. They've been with me for years.
Tiger with my doll Jennifer
Mak sleeping
Last week, it hit me and my parents that Tiger is getting old. He's 11 years old and sometimes has a hard time walking. I can't imagine not having Tiger around and when I do I cry. I cried every night last week just thinking about him not being around. I don't know exactly why I'm writing this post, maybe so I can look back one day and read it.
Tiger is my number one boy. He's my best friend and he's been there for me for ten years and counting. When he's sick, I'll always be there taking care of him. I love him and I know he loves me too even when he's upset with me. Makeena is my little girl. She's a princess and I love her. She always wants attention from anyone who will give it to her. They're the best dogs anyone could ask for. Sure Tiger barks like a big dog when he's not and Mak is afraid of anyone who walks in the house but they're good dogs and they're my dogs, my babies.
Maybe its silly to love them this much but I do. They're apart of my life and they'll always be apart of it.

Be Beautiful For You.

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