Monday, January 23, 2012

Self Esteem in a Bottle

 Bottle From Ikea :)
Browsing around the internet I came across this face product called "Self Esteem in a Bottle" I don't recall where I saw it but it got me thinking. What if self esteem really did come in a bottle? How much would it be worth to you? What would the price be? Would they be asking for a dollar amount?
Sadly self esteem can't be bought and it can't be found in a bottle either. Self esteem is something we have to find in ourselves. Now I've said this before, confidence comes from within. You can't put others down to make yourself feel good about it. That's not only mean but it brings you down even more.

I'm going to be honest, I do make fun of people but am I proud of it; no I am not. But why do I keep doing it? Because it's in my own nature. I am not the nicest person even though I do seem to be pretty nice. I can be bitchy but I do have a heart.
Despite making fun of people, I love who I am because I know I'm not perfect and I know I have my own flaws but I embrace them, good or bad, I embrace them. What I do, the actions I that I go through on a daily basis make me who I am.
Self esteem can't be found in a bottle but it can be found in our hearts. Cherishing ourselves, loving who we are as a person, that's where the self esteem come from.
Be Beautiful For You

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